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Shrine to the Deceased

This is a Shrine for those who're beloved in my family
who have passed on. Those whom I have come to love and
respect and those who are related to them or me even if
in some dismal way. Each has had a part in my family no
matter how small or big, how long or short a time. They
are family be it by blood, adoption or marriage. I will
continue to keep their memories alive and forgive each
of them for any wrong they might have done in this
mortal coil.

Everything happens for a reason, and as my grandmother
always said, "All things are working together for
good," which she had gotten from a bible. It may not
always seem that way, but it is ture. Someday the good
will be known as long as we're not to blind to see it.

Ruth Beverly Scriven (70)
Patrcia Scriven (40)
Bruce Edward Scriven (39)
Mildred Cora Scriven (92)