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New Gods of Valhalla Web Page

Yeah... I know it's cheap but I just wanted to set something up real quick so everyone could stop by and see what is happening with the group. Here are the basic rules thus far: 1) Whenever it is possible for a character to get into Boometown, it is mandatory to recieve the Destined for Valahalla badge. If you need help, just ask a member. 2) You will get Avatar status after running with group members for atleast 20 missions. 3) You will recieve God status at level 20 if/when a member with God status flips the coin in-game. Heads you get it, Tails you don't. This can be done at random times but no more than three times per day. 4) If a character gains God status, any member willing to help will proceed to assist the new god is gaining his cape and secondary costume slot. Any other god logged on at time will, without hesitation, help new god pay for his new costume IF the new god has insufficient influence. 5) If you know someone that wishes to join, always get approval from a God. 6) Any member who has not been on in 20 or more days will be terminated from group. This only applies to those who have one character in group. Thos who have two or more, either log each of them on atleast once a week or pick which ones you play the most and keep those in group. If anyone can think of new rules or has any objections to these, notify me at:

Here is the current list of gods

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