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A Letter to Heaven from Mommy

Dear My Angel in Heaven, Phoenyx: You were only inside of me for 7 weeks, but those weeks were the greatest in my life. I dreamt of holding you and loving you and just being your mommy, but I will have to wait till the day I enter Heaven to be with you.I know you are safe and sound, with no pain or sorrow in heaven with God right now. From the moment I looked at my pregnancy test and it was positive, I was so looking forward to being your mom. I cry as I sit here thinking about you and how I just wish for one momment I could have seen your face and held you in my arms. The day the doctors told me you were gone I just wished I could be there with you the whole way. You know I will never forget you. You will Always be my first baby and you will always be a huge part of my heart. Phoenyx, Mommy and Daddy love you so much and May God take care of you and confort you. You are our angel. Love, Mommy
