Tara's Graduation Party- Singing
Thanks to Kathy & Roy for the use of their audio equipment

Uncle Joe, Anthony, Frankie, Phillip, Tara, Nicky and Mike busting a lung to Tiwst and Shout!.

Everybody getting down to Twist and Shout!.

Tara and Nicky

Tara and Michael

Tara on the mike.

Anthony and Frankie.

Anthony, Frankie singing Brown Eyed Girl with a little help from Uncle Joe.

Anthony, Frankie singing Brown Eyed Girl with a little help from Uncle Joe and now Marla has joined.

Anthony, Frankie singing, Again .

Tara, Anthony, Frankie, Nicky and Michael.

Frankie, at it again.

Whoa, now Tony is in on it..and Uncle Joe. Marla watch your teeth!

Grandmom Coratolo with Nicky and Tara!

Grandmom Coratolo with Nicky and Tara!

Tony getting in to it!

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