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The Random Thoughts Section greets you!

3/16/04, 12:59 A.M.

Dana - I haven't updated in such a while. So I decided to not add any reviews or anything and just add a few of these, since my eyelids grow ever so heavier. So, here's a couple more random thoughts of wisdom.

- Dana Out -

- Dana - - Whenever you see a person's drawing (especially some little kid), and they color water BLUE, they are wrong.

- Why must all conversations start the same way? A one-word greeting, followed by the exchange of "What's up?" followed by the exchange of "Not much." usually begins a conversation. Damnit, get some originality or skip this altogether.

- Can I go through one day without my race being mentioned? Even the most benign of people ask me. DAMNIT.

- Link is NOT AN ELF.

- I feel sorry for the Captain Planet Planeteer that had the "Heart" power. The others could summon fire, hurricane force winds, a tidal wave, or huge boulders with their power rings. Yet the heart power only gets a monkey to be his friend.

- Life is a joke. I think only I get it, though...
