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Pssssssssst. We have received some secret information about Tristi McNeill. Before you scroll down the page, you must agree not to share this top-secret information. If you agree to these terms, please proceed.

News Flash #1

Do not tell Tristi, but we have discovered that she does not know everything. This information was received from a secret source, when Tristi was spotted wearing her "invisible sunglasses" (below). Little did she know, she was VERY visible to all!

News Flash #2

It has been long suspected, and not confirmed, that Tristi is indeed a vampire. She was recently spotted with her hill-billy friend in North Carolina. It was especially odd to see her during the day, causing concern that she may be sick. Whatever the case, she is the cutest vampire ever!

Please visit us again for more updates on the condition and whereabouts of Tristi McNeill. If you happen to spot her, please give us a call at 1-800-TRISINATOR. Thank you for your support.