GGGGGGGG G-UN!T My Mistake Theres this guys I`ve known for a long period of time , he was nice, sweet and understanding, but he was just my friend since he was younger then me i thought nothing of it . As time passed and we got closer , I started to realize that he was more then just a friends to me. So oneday he asked me out and I said yes, we went out for about a month , in that month he treated me like a queen, but it wasnt unexpected of him since he always treated me that way. He spent all his energy and time just to make me happy,he gave me his heart and everything he had, when it came down to me he would always put we first, no questioons asked he was never selfish. he would come all the way to my house at night in the winter time just to bring me glue that I needed and go home, he walked all the way in the rain to buy me the skirt I wanted, he stayed up till 6am in the morning just to help me with my homework, even before when we were just friends he would stop everything he was doing just to talk to me on the phone, these are just examples of some of he things he did, if i had to name them all it would probably take me days. As I was saying before we only went out for about a month ,and your wondering why so short since he was treating me like a queen, while during that month everyone at school and all of my friends found out that we were going out and they didnt approve, they started to tease me and pressure me into breaking up with him, they told me that he wasnt right for me and what in the world I was thinking. I started to tell myself that he wasnt right for me and that I`d probably be better off alone or with someone all my friends liked, so I broked it off with him. He was devastated and and I soon realized ,so was I. To make the story shorter he gave me another chance , but like the first time Igot scared so I backed out. I was the first girl he ever loved and I teared his heart and throw it whenever I pleased, I made him cry countless nights,he threw away his pride just so i can keep mine,he stopped talking to his friends and stopped trusting anyone, because he couldnt understand why the girl he gave his world to, could just throw it away whenever she felt like it. Through all this pain he had inside , he still stood by her.Whatever she wanted he still gave her, whenever she needed him , he was still there. I soon realized how selfish and stupid I was not only did I hurted someone who cares about me more then himself but I also ruined the one that mad me happy "us" and our relationship. I do not blame my friends or anyone else but myself, because I know they were just looking out for me. HIM and I are just friends right now, i guess we`re not ready yet , his Name is Garry and I just want him to know that I`m sorry and that I love him and how thankful and I am to have met someone like him.I feel like that luckiest girl in the world.
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