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The World of the Tiki god

I am the mighty Tiki god. My Tiki hut is in the lovely little town of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, USA. I am 29 and married to my lovely Tiki goddess Princess Valerie. I am currently employed as a lowly waiter, but I am going back to school to learn Web Development skills, so that my website doesn't look like poo, like it does now. I am a huge geek, whether it be computers, video games, movies, gaming or whatever. Anywho, there is more to come as I learn more about this whole site building thing. Toodles!

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
WrestlePalooza-Pro Wrestling News and Views
Homestar Runner-TROGDOR!!!
Wizards of the Coast-Gamer Paradise
Pogo-Free Game Goodness from the nice people at EA
Even more about me!!!-The start of my web site for school
The survey page for the school project

What's going on with the Tiki god
