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Thomas DaSeal


Why He Is Here


Thomas came to this land after being given the boot from Europe.  The exact details of his exile are unclear, one thing is for sure:  he is not welcomed back any time soon.  There are many conflicting stories on what sort of employment he was engaged in while there.  Most agree he worked as a mercenary of some sort but to who remains an open debate.  A few people who have claimed to actually talk to him say he was a commander of an elite Swiss Guard until based out of Rome before being removed and exiled. 


Recent History


Almost as soon as he had gotten off the boat, Thomas found himself collared and put into slavery.  He assumed that someone back in Europe had set this up and it seemed that his capture was going to be a long term engagement.  However, he soon was seen to be a free man having some slave trailing him now.  How he managed his release, is not clear yet.  But it could be noted that one of his current slaves was a fellow slave with him under his previous mistress.












Current Plans


Thomas does not sled much insight on what he plans to do or what exactly his long term goals are.  But he is usually found in the slave markets and is steady building a following of women.  Many assume he is taking full advantage of his new servants but beyond that not many know what he is doing with them.  Exactly how many women does a redhead need?   At the docks there are a ships arriving from distant lands and while this is not uncommon, what is that a decent minority of these ships are looking for a “a red head man” who goes by the name of Thomas.  No one knows where exactly he resides and while his slaves are fairly easily seen by what they wear, they are not very talkative on where they spend their nights.  All that is known is that they live somewhere in the mountains near the port of Rhydin.  Even more curious is that recent weapon shipments that have been arriving and being paid for in the middle of the night by a redhead that looks a lot like Thomas.  Exactly what is he doing up there in the mountains?  Raising an army?  Most doubt it.


















The Slaves