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Welcome and thanks for checking out  You can listen to songs by clicking the Media tab up top, or check out where we're playing next by clicking the Shows & Events tab.  Don't forget the News tab to get all the lastest info on you're new favorite band.  To contact us send us an email at, or click on the link below to view our myspace page.  See you at the shows!!!

You can listen to our songs at either of the two links below:






Poolside View Demo

Release Date: February 2005

Description: Demo CD


Poolside View - Live At Peabody's

Release Date: 2-6-05

Description: Live CD from Peabody's battle of the bands





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Sorry we haven't updated!

April 7, 2005


Hey guys, we've been having some major band issues that put us on somewhat of a hiatus if you will.  If you guys haven't heard Doug left us last month and we're desperatly looking for a replacement so we can get on with our shows.  We're fixing up the site for you guys so you've got something cool to look at while checking out our band, so bare with us until we get everything set up.  Anyways long story short, we're getting back into the swing of things, so check the shows page to see where we're playing next and hopefully we'll see you there!


Another Poolside View Update

January 9, 2005


Hey there's not much to say right now.  We're still working on recording - running into some issues but we should be getting them worked out this week.  GET YOURSELVES A TICKET TO PEABODY'S BATTLE OF THE BANDS AND COME SEE US!!  more info on the shows page above.  so yeh, we should be done recording after a week or 2 and were looking to find some shows with a couple of local bands: Duck Tape and Rough Draft, and more if we can find them!!  again if you're in a band looking from someone to play with let us know!!  k check back soon for another fascinating POOLSIDE VIEW UPDATE!!!  rock on, be fruitful long division or something!! later kidos


The First Ever Poolside View Update!

December 16, 2004


HEY HEY HEY!!! First News update for Poolside View!  First things first, the AGORA WAS AWESOME!!!!!!  We're all still in shock that we actually landed a gig there with no experience!  Incase you missed the show and haven't heard about it yet, it started off great, pretty solid for our first gig.  Then as we started The Happy/Sad Song, the JCM900 amp (keep in mind it runs at about $1500) blows out.  Yeh so after I got the sound guys away from the Porno-fest backstage the only thing they could come up with was to move me to the other amp which was set for a honky-tonk palooza, so as we finished out our set with Lindsay Lohan, it's needless to say the Bluegrass rendition was somewhat sub-par, but freakin hilarious non the less!!!!!  Anywho everyone seemed to like us so I'd say we got away with a good impression and our next show should go a little more smoothly.  Oh!  We're working on setting up some shows with a couple of the other bands from the agora, including Duck Tape ( so check the Shows/Events page to see when were playing!  ALSO!  Over Christmas Break we should start recording our demo, so keep checkin back so you can get your hands on our very first release!  So we're very excited about that, but keep checkin back to see whats goin on with you're favorite local poppunk/emo band.





What's your favorite Poolside View song?


Summer Girl

The H/S Song


Lindsay Lohan






Spike and the Nelsons

Ska-ker Moms




Other Schtuff

© Poolside View 2005, All Rights Reserved