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Well, I'm sure that everyone that is visiting this page probably knows that Good Charlotte is my favorite band... I love them to death and each one of the individual band members has affected my life at some point in time. In the four years I have been the NUMBER 1 FAN (just ask my friends) of Good Charlotte (* Continues from front page HERE *)I have changed from a lifeless & close-minded person to a open-minded, happy-go-lucky, lover of life. I'm not saying that Good Charlotte is the thing that me change, I changed myself. But through these changes came some of the roughest hardest times of my life, but I got over them and I got through them... because of Good Charlotte. I can relate to every single one of their songs some way some how. I love the boys to death and I have yet to meet them, or even see them live. I would kill for that day to come because I am ready as hell to tell them how important to me. These four guys will remain in my heart forever,and maybe one day they'll know how much they have helped and how much they mean to one single kid from a small town in Texas. Because they mean everything to me.. and even though I have never met them.. I swear I would do anything for those boys, I feel like I know them by their music...They've done alot for me.. and I would do anything for them.. Thank you GC! You have saved a life.. and I'm very proud of you. Congratulations with everything you have accomplished, I know this band means everything to you, just like it means everything to me. Good Luck, and Thanks again.. I love you guys!
Mad Love
Ashley. Representin' GC... Always