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My Pictures

For your enjoyment, I present... DAN'S PICTURES. New NYC pictures are towards the bottom. Enjoy!

Here are some photos that you might find interesting.... :)

My buddy Alex and myself celebrating our high school graduation at Maggie McFlys.

Here I am passed out after a long night of partying

The sexiness is just overwhelming, Me and Dr Love aka Stuart

Myself and some of my frat brothers at the University of New Hampshire for conclave. Good weekend ;)

Hot penguin action! ....

Sunshine and I at the APO post-banquet party, drinking a can of Mountain Dew... yes that's it... Mountain Dew


The most sophisticated blackman you'll ever see

Your friendly neighborhood drug dealer

You do no want to mess with Zapata and Stango.... you want to make love to them

Do NOT join this frat

Stango and Lombardo: Pimps on the prowl

Aaron, me, and Alex celebrating the last night at Uconn with a victory cigar!

Stu waves to the camera while Dan gives the sad puppy face to the unpictured Joe Lombardo

It's the truth

Improper use of staplers can be hazardous to your health.

I think the picture speaks for itself

Some pics from my spring break trip to NYC to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Zapata and Wiesman

Dan Zapata paying homage to the Pharaoh (Me) at THE TEMPLE OF STANGO

Unsatisfied with the offerings brought to the Temple of Stango, The pharaoh sent his armies to trample the Colombian nation

A better view of THE TEMPLE OF STANGO

Here I am worshipping the Colombian Water God, Amon-Zapata

Thousands of dollars in quarters were spilled onto the city streets after the bag fell off the forklift. Not pictured: Wiesman running for his life after scooping up as much $$$ as could. Unfortunately, the trail of quarters that fell from his pockets as he ran led the authorities directly to him. He was found hiding in the ball pit at the Chuck E. Cheese on E 34th street. Luckily, I was able to post his bail, in quarters of course ;)