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ThIs SiTe Is CuRrEnTlY uNdEr CoNsTrUcTiOn!!!!!!

Join the I-Squad you know you want to!!! Go on, for me :-)

Join the i-squad now!

This site is dedicated mainly to Reel Big Fish! This band have changed a lot of people's lives. Such a feel good Ska band should never goto waste. Theres so much to write about this one band I barely have a thing on the other Ska Punk and Rock bands that are, if you like, related to RBF! But never the less- they shall have their pride of place... eventually.
Please Remember to visit the Official Reel big Fish Page, the link is on everypage on my site so you don't have to go rushing off!!!
AnY wAy TaKe A lOoK aRoUnD, sEe WhAt YoU lIkE... BrOwSe! AnD mAyBe We CaN gEt ToGeThEr SoMeTiMe. TeA cRuMpEtS aNd SuCh!¿!

Mim.x 10/04/2003
