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1. What does Kung Fu mean?

Kung fu literally means "hard work". It is a term used to name chinese martial arts in general by the westerners. The term came from farmers(and immigrants) that used this term to express that you needed to work hard to be proficient in the martial arts. Although the term "Kung fu" has been worldly embraced, in China the term "Wu Shu" or "Wu Yi" means martial art. In the West "Wu Shu" is the term used to name modern wushu. To destinguish different styles of kung fu in China the term "Quan" or "Chuan", which means "fist"(refering to boxing), is added at the end of the given style. Ej. Shaolin Kung Fu = Shaolin Quan , Praying Mantis Kung Fu = Tanglang Quan.

2. Where does the name "Shaolin" come from?

The name "Shaolin" comes from the name of the mountain, Shao She mountain, in which the Shaolin Temple lies. Since the temple is surrounded by a forest the term Lin'(or forest) was added at the end of Shao(mountain's name) forming the name "Shao Lin".

3. How much time does it take to become very flexible?

Stretching is part of "Conditioning Training" so you should never stop doing it. But to reach an ideal stage of flexibility for the martial artist, it would take about 6 month of non-stop stretching(at least 10 minutes, at least 6 day a week). Note: You should also practice strenght exercises for the joints you stretch, because flexibility with out strenght to support the stretched joints or muscles won't help you become a better martial artist at all(you won't be able to use your flexibility without strenght).

4. How much time does it take to become a black belt?

Being a "black belt" is not what is important in the martial art at all, what is important is that you really worked hard to attain it. Mostly it simbolizes that you have worked hard and that you are a "master" of your art. The time it takes to become a blackbelt is determined by how much you dedicate to your art, your willingness to learn more, and how much you work for it.

5. Why do we train with weapons in kung fu if most of them are illegal and uncomfortable to carry around?

In kung fu we train with weapons because it's a part of the legacy passed down from master to student for generations. Not only that, weapon training gives us strenght, balance, hand-eye coordination and awareness. Although now a day we may not carry swords and 8-foot spears around the streets, we can use anything around(a branch,a piece of steel,etc),or even hide in our pockets a whip chain or a 2-sectional staff(nunchaku)in case we might need it against a life threatning situation.

6. Is there an ideal age for starting to practice kung fu?

Any age is ideal for starting to practice kung fu. It's truth that a kid will have an easier time learning kung fu than an adult because they're more flexibile and they're easier to teach how to do flips and acrobatics but for the most what's important is whenever you start you do it with willingness and dedicated yourself to practicing.