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RpBz Official Paintball Site

Here are the Team members of RPBZ

These are some good paintball sites..

Its a good paintball site we get most of out stuff from this site
The official Tippmann site.
Another good paintball site
This is a good band just check this out

This is the rpbz paintball site.Tim Dan and Ryan are the makers of the team.We are all 14 and live in N.Y orange county.. we love painball and we play every weekend.We havent been to any tournements yet.But we are going to one on october 3. We dont have any sponsers but we are hoping to get some once we get to some tournements . We will have more to this site once we get pics of us and our guns... we need another person just email me...if you live in orange county and want to be on a paintball team.
