Chapter 4

by Abid Bata

Introduction To have fun is good because through having fun you can enjoy life and make many friends! People who are sad all the time are only spoiling life for themselves.

But having fun at the wrong times is bad! So you should not be having fun when someone has died or when a bad thing has happened. You should also not have fun when you are supposed to do work!

When you are having fun you should remember not to do things which displease God! You should always take care of not spoiling things and not annoying your parents.

In this chapter you will learn about the golden rule of having fun and about good and bad things that happen when people are having fun!



The Golden Rule of having fun is:

Have Fun but not hurt others!

To have fun means to enjoy yourself without spoiling things for other people. Having fun means playing, joking, going out and even reading a funny book! Islam says that to have fun is good provided we do not hurt other people when having fun!


To enjoy life you should make a habit of playing sports because it keeps you fit and keeps your mind cheerful. Sports like football, netball, badminton are just few examples of good sports you can play, but there are many more! You may also want to try leisure sports like horse riding, bowling and golf. There are also many mind sports like quiz games and draughts that you may want to take up. Just remember that if you want to have a happy time than sports are excellent! You can also make many new friends when playing sports!


Sports is not about wining and making others lose! But some people are crazy about winning all the time. This is childish! If you want to have good 'Sports Attitude' you need to follow these rules:

1. Try your best but do not die to win

2. Consider other people. Do not fight and give others a chance to play too.

3. Do not get carried away by over doing it

4. Accept both winning and losing

5. Play regularly and arrive on time. Be responsible.

6. Keep things tidy. Do not leave your equipment, shoes or clothes for your mother to pick up after you.

7. Dress smartly and decently. But do not get carried away with sports fashions which can be very expensive and useless.

Those people who get carried away about winning tend to get sad when they lose! Or they start arguing and fighting. They even get jealous! But when they win they get proud and they abuse the losers! This is a bad `sports attitude!` Sports is about trying your best and not making enemies of those people who are not in your team!


Some people think that only those who score goals are heroes. They forget that everybody who tries hard is a hero. The best heroes are those who will be good to others when they win and even when they lose!

Some heroes do not have a good sports attitude. If they score goals than they get proud and if they lose then they blame others. You should never become such a hero, nor should you follow a hero like this.


Many sports are much more fun when you play them with your parents, your brothers and sisters! Give everybody a chance and see how dad’s tummy wobbles when he jumps! Try playing some of the sports with your teacher! See if you can play better than them and see if you can teach them how to play properly!

Families which are in to sports are often happy families! When families play together they learn about team work, about helping each other, about not getting angry at each other and about looking after each other.

If you play with your younger brother or sister you should let them win sometimes! This will make them happy! If you see someone in the family who is very good at sports then you should encourage them and help them practice harder so that they can win medals in competitions!


Some people are unfortunate because they have a disability or an illness which stops them from taking part in sports. In today’s world there are many sports people can enjoy despite having problems. So if you have a problem do not lose heart but find out how you can participate in all kind of sports.


The Prophet Muhammad said to his Companions that they should learn things like horse riding and swimming! He also like watching races and he enjoyed walking! Many times he would walk to the mountains with his Companions and they were often seen laughing and looking happy! This is because Islam is the religion which brought happiness in the lives of people!


Copy and fill in the blanks

1. You should not (1) things for other when having fun

2. You should have good sports (2)

3. It is trying your best that is important and not (3)

4. Don’t get in to (4) with other teams

Answer Yes or No

1. Does Islam want you to have a happy life?

2. Was the Prophet a happy person?

3. Should you make others sad when playing?

4. Should you win all the time when playing with little children?


1. A football, hockey and 5 other things with which you can play sports

2. What is the golden rule!

Questions to answer

1. What kind of things does playing sports teach you when you play with your family?

2. What kind of heroes should you have?

3. What things did the Prophet say his Companions needed to learn?

Writing task

1. Write down the names of heroes you think have good sporting attitudes.

2. Explain why is it important to keep things neat at home after finishing playing sports or games!