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Nolan's Update

(last updated on June 29, 2003)

Nolan went to Texas on March 23rd where his condition evaluated. The doctors were surprised at his mobility due to the size and location of his tumor. On March 25th a catheter was placed into Nolan’s chest so that the antineoplastons could be administered into his body’s bloodstream. The surgery went well and the next day Nolan started being infused with the treatment. Nolan remained in Texas for about 3 ½ weeks while he made daily visits to the Burzynski Clinic to check on his progress.

Nolan returned home on April 16th a bit more exhausted from the antineoplastons, and larger from the steroids also given to aid in the swelling of his brain. As time went on, Nolan became even more tired and less mobile. All of this was expected, yet feared because we were told during the first time few months of treatment that the tumor would actually swell in size due to irritation from the antineoplastons attacking it. Nolan has been on the treatment for about 3 months now. He is very dizzy most of the time, he cannot stand or walk on his own, and he has very limited mobility of his left arm and leg. His appetite is still ferocious due to the steroids. His headaches have decreased and have become few and far between.

It may sound like Nolan is loosing ground, but he’s not. Nolan has the spirit of a mountain climber determined in every step to make it to the summit. He may be struggling to make the next step, and at times stumble and loose a little ground, but he has his goal in sight and never takes his mind off of it, not for one minute.

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