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Hero Mutiny

Hero mutiny. Every city has an evil, sleazy underbelly full of theives, cheats and liars, fortunately they also have a guardian angel. These angles go by many names, heros, superheros and so fourth, they help the helpless, protect the innocent and fight for truth, justice and the American way (that is the American Way when it was truth and justice and not blowing people up). They single handedly keep the peace, bring light into the darkness and keep the balance of good and evil ever so slightly tipped in our favour (yes I AM on the side of good). We owe them, like big time, totally. But what happens when good heros go bad? When mild mannered reporters would rather check their word count then save the world. When they go to mutiny, who ends up walking the plank? What you expect me to know, why do you think I was asking you?

Escape-not really, just page 2
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