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MY HERO!!!!!

This is dedicated to my hero, who I would have like to
have thanked a million times over for my freedom.
Without his sacrafice, I would not have the freedom I
have today. I never got the chance to tell him exactly
how i felt, or thank him enuff. He also gave me a totally new
respect for our soldiers who put thier lifes on the line every day
they put on thier fatigues. I was only a teenager during
the Gulf War. I watched coverage on tv,v but I still had a
no idea of the danger they all go through during war, and didnt
have half the respect I now hold for people in the military. Then
arrived and told me of stories of the tourture he had to endure through his
3 tours in Vietnam. He explained things in a way i could totally understand them.
The disrespect he recived from his fellow americans when re returned home. The pain and anguish he had
to endure made me count my blessings that I didnt not have to suffer through those horrable things.
He taught me a new respect for anyone who serves our country, from the front lines, to the cooks on the
aircraft carriers. I would just like to send out a special thank you! to all of our soldiers still serving in Iraq & Afghanistan. They are the soul reason for our freedom to this day! I just wish i had more time to tell him how
much i respect and envy him for the decisions and sacrifices he made!