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Welcome to the Asian Café. We serve 200 persons daily. Hope you like your stay and if you want can also leave a message at the Dreambook or the new Slambook. Thanks for coming and please vote atleast one of these top asian sites.


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April 26, 2001
I just created this new webpage cause nbci fucked me over and deleted my old webpage cause i think i violated one of the rules so i have to post up everything again and I have to change the models section. There will be no more Tyra Banks, Jenny McCarthy, and the other non-asian models because i deleted them all in my computer. The remaining ones are a shit load of Sung Hi Lee that will be posted, a shit load of Kaila Yu, and a shit load of Francine Dee. That will be all for today. -utDaiLow-
May 27, 2000
For the hard core Asian Café fans that are disappointed, sorry. I haven't been updating my web page this whole year because of intense School Work and other stuff that kept me away from updating my page. But have no fear, after school is over (in about another 3 weeks from now...) I will be anxious to update my web page (especially the models and cars section) so please have patience and I guarantee you that you won't be sorry! -urDaiLow-
February 5, 2000
Hey everybody!!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! Well today is the Chinese New Year, and I hope you guys are getting your money hehe. Its the year of the Dragon and for that im going to add a new model! I'll be putting it this week so look for it! -urDaiLow-
December 27, 1999
Hey everybody, hope you guys had a great Christmas, today I finally made a message board so please check it out... -urDaiLow-
December 24, 1999
Today I fixed up the models section by removing those nasty looking bars on top of the frames. Plus ill try to add a new forum section so you can say what ever you want about anything. -urDailow-
December 3, 1999
Today I am going to fix some errors on my page and will also be adding in some pictures for a new model. -urDaiLow-
blah blah

you can email us for any questions or comments @

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