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Kamen Rider Spirits

--Kamen Rider Spirits Volume Three--

Part 1 -- The Nine Riders

Episode 11 & 12 -- The Wandering Thunder Clap Comic Info
Synopsis: Taki has come back to Japan to meet the man who has helped many Riders in the past. Traveling with Taki is Mikage Eisuke, an Interpol Detective, who demanding the whereabouts of the Riders breaksup a tearful reunion between Taki and Tachibana. Tachibana, who having learned from his mistakes, refuses Mikage's demands. However, just then, Jo Shigeru shows up. It seems Jo has been working at the bike shop since his last battle. Later that night Taki learns why Tachibana refused Mikage's demands, and why he has helped so many riders. At Misaki's grave several Cyborgs with the ability to transform like the Riders show up and challenge Jo to a fight. Mikage also seems to be working in the shadows. While Stronger is fighting the Cyborgs to no avail, Tachibana and Taki are running from Mikage, who is set on killing the two. Back at the fight, Stronger charges up, but still to no avail, is blown up and falls into the ocean. Tachibana and Taki make their escape on Tentoro, Tackle's bike, only to run into the cyborgs. Learning of Strongers demise, Tachibana attacks the Commander by Tentoro. Just when it looks like the end of Tachibana, a whistle tells that it's time to take the gloves off. Stronger takes advantage of the falling rain to boost his electric attack. Finally, using the Super Electro Ultra Cyclone, the move that killed Tackle, Stronger is able to clean up the cyborgs. Tentoro, protects Tachibana and Taki, and Stronger emerges from the aftermath. Mikage is seen walking off with the head of the Cyborg Commander and pleads with Needle to make him stronger. Hero:
Kamen Rider Stronger / Jo Shigeru
Misaki Yuriko / Electro-wave Human Tackle
Tachibana Tobe
Taki Kazuya
Mikage Eisuke
Needle, Poison, Ashura
Murasame / Cyborg Comander
Japan, Kanagawa Prefecture
ElectroFire, ElectroPunch, ElectroKick, SuperElectroDrillKick, SuperElectroUltraCyclone, ChargeUp
Episode 13 & 14 -- A Sky of Promises Comic Info
Synopsis: Recently, there have been a string of kidnappings of scientists by a new organization, who kills anyone who gets in the way. To find out the truth of the matter, Tsukuba and GanGan-G travel to Norway, to stop the next kidnapping. When Tsukuba arrives at Dr. Bohenan's castle, he finds it already surrounded by Interpol, who accuse Tsukuba of being a kidnapper. However, the Dr's daughter, Freya, steps to help Tsukuba. Thanking her, GanGan-G takes the sheltered girl out into the town. Meanwhile, at the castle, Poison, a leader of the new organization shows up and terrorizes the castle. Transforming, Tsukuba attempts to fight Poison, only to be doused in deadly poison. When GanGanG and Freya come back to the castle they run into Poison. Freya cries out, "Brother!", while Poison reveals his true body of a Moth-Kaijin. Freya is able with her healing powers to counter Posion's vapors. Just then Tsukuba charges back into the fray and gets the two to saftey inside the castle. Outside Moth-Kaijin is toying with the airforce, while inside Freya is healing Tsukuba. Freya later tells Gregorio that she and her brother are Cyborgs created by her father after a deadly plane crash involving the family. Unable to touch things without them dissolving Frey goes nuts and leaves while Freya stays to help her fathers work. Freya is put in a solution that will increase her powers. Gregorio, who can't stand to see the doctor experiment with his own children, takes out his gun and destroyes the machine, Tsukuba KOs the doctor, and wades into the pool to rescue Freya. Outside GanGanG has been pleading for the Kaijin to stop killing. When it looks like the end for G, Skyrider comes to the rescue. It seems his wading into the pool made him immune to Moth-Kaijin's poisons. Knocking the Kaijin through the castle wall, Skyrider returns to help G, while Moth-Kaijin confronts his father. It seems that the accident was not an accident at all. When the doctor asks to be taken to the new secret organization, Moth-Kaijin disolves his father with his poisons. Skyrider then finishes of the Kaijin. Freya decides to turn the castle into a hospital and pledges to do her brothers share of helping people, while she asks Tsukuba to do her brothers share of smiling. Hero:
SkyRider / Tsukuba Hiroshi
GanGan-G / Yada Kanji
Freya Bohenan
Doctor Bohenan
Gregorio Balege
Poison Moth-Kaijin / Poison / Frey Bohenan
Sailing Jump, Rider Break, Great Spinning Sky Kick
Episode 15, 16 & 17 -- Myth of the Stars Comic Info
 Synopsis: After the defeat of Dogma and JinDogma, Oki returns to the true pupose of his creation, planetary terraforming. Oki shows his worth to his new companions using his Super-1 powers, but the crew doesn't understand why he chose to become an altered human. Building Specialist, Sergie, once believed in the dream of space exploration like Oki, but recent events in his life have turned him sour. Meanwhile back on Earth, at the International Space Division at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Tani and the Jr, Rider Squad make a visit to see how Oki is doing in space. Suddenly, there is a lunarquake, disrupting communications. Oki, transforms and investigates the problem. What he finds is a gigantic crater. At that time Super-1 recieves a distress call from the moonbase. When he gets back to the base he is confronted by Ashura, who is after the power of the moon and despises the humans waste of powerful resources. Ashura and Oki then have a martial arts showdown. However Oki is no match for the WaterStriderKaijin. Oki learns that Sergie and the crew made it to the shuttle, but can't take off, so distracting the Kaijin, Oki makes it back to give the shuttle an energy boost. When the shuttle takes off it is sucked into a Magic Circle. While near Earth orbit a large asteroid along with several flying saucers appear. Taking over the TV waves, the new group identifies itself as Badan and disappears again. Then the shuttle reappears, but at a nose dive tragectory into earth. At this tragectory the shuttles heat shields have no effect and it looks like the shuttle will be melted by the atmosphereic friction. Just then Super-1 emerges and makes his way to the nose cone, where he unleashes the full power of his Cool Hand. Eventually, the shuttle lands in the ocean if a little worse for wear. Just then, Ashura reappears and once again continues the fight with a worn out Super-1. In a death grapple the Kaijin tumbles with Super-1 over the rear of the shuttle. Meanwhile Sergie tells Super-1 to get out of the way, as he charges up the shuttle. Unable to free himself, Super-1 detaches his arms and leaps to safety as a dose of the shuttle's engines wash over the Kaijin. Shutting off the engines, the emerging Kaijin is assulted by the full force of Super-1's Moon Surface Kick. After the Kaijin is destroyed a rescue team comes in and takes everyone back. Hero:
Kamen Rider Super 1 / Oki Kazuya
Sergie Gorbinof
Tani Genjiro and Junior Rider Squad
WaterStrider Kaijin / Ashura
Moon Base
Super Hand, Radar Eye, Electro Hand, Cool/Heat Hand, Power Hand, Super Rider Cyclone Kick, Super Rider Moon Surface Kick.

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