Just visit these if you have a chance, I think you'll find them worth your while.

- it's so good, but i couldn't find a banner for others to put on their site

sorasheartbanner.jpeg (2048 bytes)- I love this site.  It's got a lot of good info, and they are very generous with their media,   you've seen some of it on here.

1039977297_ResultSora.jpeg (15739 bytes)- I went to this site and this is who it said I am.  Take a go for yourself.

- a clique I just joined, full of Riku fandom (even though my Riku pages aren't up yet- sorry)

- An extensive list of sites, and it has a list of Cameos and who they play.  I don't want to copy that without permission, so until I do that's the place to find out.

Sora is the Prince Of Heart

-  vote for me here please.  Together this site may attract more than me Stephan and the two others who regularly visit me.