The Completely Unofficial D20 Kingdom Hearts Game
by me

What can you newcomers expect to see?

What can masters of D20 find worthwhile?

You and the D20 system, by Setsei Ikatsume
The D20 system was first introduced as the third edition of Dungeons and Dragons after it was bought out by Wizards of The Coast (WOTC).  This brilliant marketing scheme let anybody publish material for the game. This did two things, 1) it took the load off of WOTC's back in development and 2) it kept fresh ideas coming in at all angles.  This system is also easy to learn and quick in play, which makes it very fun.  You should get your hands on the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition Players Handbook to learn the rules.  It is worth the thirty bucks- please don't download it off of Kazzaa (I want new supplements to come out for D&D).  Once you get a hand of playing it, it wont be bad at all.  Then you'll want a Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual to make more compelling stories. You'll also want this once it is completed.

Things to come- and a Schedule.  (Okay so it's more of a guideline than anything)
8/3/03-  The Keyblade.  Not the one Sora walks around with, but a non-magical weapon with practical purposes.
8/7/03-  The True Keyblade.  The one that can open and lock all things.
8/12/03-Sora's official unofficial KHD20 stats LVL 1, no magic, Destiny Islands
?/03-  Key chains, Heartless, and world books

New goodies!  Added 7/31/03 really late ate night it's the Heartless Character Template!  Play as a heartless character in any D20 game.  It's all for your taking because you guys are the best!  Keep coming, and I'll keep making.  Check it out NOW!  Or later.  Either way they both bring you into the darkness.

I have to say that this wont be complete until about august to September with my busy work schedule.  It's going to be a gaming experience quite unlike what you've ever experienced. In fact you game masters should check out this little treat I have for you.   More numerous that goblins, less classic than orcs and the only henchman more beloved than kobolds I introduce the shadows.  So simple you can throw them at your characters.  Get them here.

The Research and Development Crew
RPG Hero
Setsei Ikatsume (da boss)