Welcome to the Heartless Homepage.  This is for you of a dark heart to enjoy.  This about all the evil intentions and with quick links to all your dark ambitions.  From heartless personas, to fan art, fics, and all the good stuff.  I guess this is what you want it to be.

What is the Heartless
The heartless are people that have been defeated by other heartless.  By being defeated by a heartless your heart is removed/destroyed/buried.  If your heart is weakened by defeat, loneliness or distraught.  Once a heartless, not always a heartless.  If you can find your 'light' or heart, you can reform back into real form.  When a heartless dies, it's heart is released from the torment.

The Heartless in KH:D20
In addition to the heartless monsters, it will be a character template that can be added to a fallen character.  A character doesn't change into a gargoyle or shadow.  Instead you slowly transform into as dark creature.  The changes are hide-able at first, but will overcome you.  The point of this is to challenge the aspects of role-playing your a character.  More experienced characters will enjoy the aspect of bringing a character back from the pits of hell.

D20 Shadows

Heartless Character Templates