The Game

Quite simply named this session is all about the gaming experience, from stats on the game, to reviews by those who have played this game, including me.  This is an objective/subjective part of the sight in which I want your input.  You know the drill, e-mail me if you've got  hints, cheats or any of the sort.  Together we can make this the best Kingdom Hearts site there is, but until then I'll settle for being known amongst the worlds.

Name:  Kingdom Hearts
System:  Playstation 2
Programmers:  Squaresoft
ESRB Rating:  E (Violence)
Number of Players:  1
Type of Game:  RPG
Description:  This highly praised game risked everything by becoming the first merger between Square-Enix and Disney.  This game had originally been criticized by those who had yet to play the game.  They said it was blasphemous to mix Final Fantasy and Disney together.  Those knocks at the game were proven wrong by anybody who played this game.  The first of Square's games to actually remake the movements of the character's mouths for the English version, it pushed the limits of quality to a new standard.  It uses a highly credited cast of cameos from Disney's movies to professional actors to voice the main characters.  The story is a simple story with many twist and turns to keep you busy and the real-time battles give the game the adventuring quality that you need to to like any RPG.  Beatable in the mid 40th level, this game is not quite over then.  With many additional bosses made for the American release it makes you want to play the game, even though you can beat it where you are.

Credits to VAs 

Check this magazine clipping I found on-line

Reviews (please rate out of ten)  Here is the Form.  Where are all the girls??????????????  Only guys have submitted reviews.  Five Reviews!  Let's here your thoughts on the game!

Ikatsume's Review
********* (9)
    This was one of the best games I've played in a long while.  The first game I got when I picked up my PS2, I was instantly addicted.  Even more so than with Crono Cross, my second favorite game now.  I had found the perfect mix of role-playing with the freedom that I was accustomed to from my experiences in table top role-playing.  It gave me the feel that I was the character and not a person telling the characters what to do (that's the feeling I get from traditional turn based RPGs).  The ability to control only Sora at first was a disappointment, but it soon added to the bond I felt with him.  I was Sora, not Sora, Goofy and Donald.  Sure I could tell them not to do so much of so forth, but I didn't have to tell them what to do for them to do something.  I enjoyed the movies that went along with it.  They were both entertaining and story-boosting.  They weren't in excess, or lacking in quantity.  The Coliseum became one of my favorite parts of the game.  I could fight monsters, bosses and gods on my own time.  An easy way to level up, a fun way to spend an hour I was addicted.  The camera angles were good, but not great.  When there was no lock on at all, it was hard to get your camera to face your enemy without locking on.  Play time was fun, and not too long, though my saved game said 75 hours by the time I got to Tarzan's world (I always got to where I couldn't save right before work).  This game consumed my spare time, but didn't lesson any of my personal relationships.  If I could fix one thing I would've cancelled Lance's Disney contract right before this came out.  How could the do that to Sephiroth?  It's unfair!

RPG Hero's Review
Age:  14
I thought the game was the best one I've ever played because of the graphics, the game play, the storyline, and so many more things. Another of Square's fantastic RPGs and all together the best one in my opinion. The only thing I disliked about the game was brings back horrible childhood memories...but that's just me. Especially the battle system I liked, not one of those stop-in-your-tracks and battle sort of things. The storyline about how light can defeat darkness was one of the best ones I've ever played through. (spoiler) The ending also leaves you in a tremendous amount of suspense which leaves theories and questions about what comes next. All in all, it was one of the best RPGs I have played to date and I give it a 10/10.

Cresk Sepha's Review
Age:  14
Gender:  Male
I was amazed at first with the Simple and Clean intro for Kingdom Hearts. Square has proved that even if they work with another company and has separate ideas and such they can accomplished something this big. The battle system was different from the Final Fantasy series to get more fans to play it and such. The graphics were astounding also, In-game and CGs. For a matter of fact they only did the intro and ending in CG unlike Final Fantasy X since it was the first game to go on the PS2. The Storyline of the game was excellent as with the characters look and seeing our Final Fantasy Heroes or enemies as well with voice-overs this time. The optional bosses were good challenges but after u plan a strategy they become like normal bosses unlike some bosses. Best Game ever since Final Fantasy VII that they made. I can't wait for when KH2 ever comes out!

Lord Ansem's Review
Age:  17
Gender:  Male
I like this game, because it is both fun and sometime hard. And I also like the characters. While the ending is not complete, I know that is because a second on is coming. ^_~ The camera maybe annoying, but so what? The game is so fun! I could care less about the slightly annoying camera.

dUaL_KeYbLaDe's Review
Age:  13
Gender:  Male
This was a great game in every aspect of game play that is important to me. Deep characters, great plot, good graphics. And best of all, the world's best video game producers and the world's best entertainment company combined to make the world's best game! Who doesn't love the quirky adventures like helping Eyore find his tail and helping Rabbit save his garden? The game is also serious. Other than helping our friends from the 100 Acre Woods, we get to learn of the heartless, where they came from, and why the came. I recommend this game to anyone. If your just starting out with RPGs or your a veteran, I believe that you'll thoroughly enjoy this game.

Age:  14
Gender:  Male
Kingdom Hearts is the best game that has ever been created. Everything about it was great. The combined team work of Disney Interactive and Squaresoft surely paid off. The team duo turned out fantastic. From Wonderland to Halloween Town (The Nightmare Before Christmas) this game gives you many world to explore and have a great time with. The Battle system is also one of the many wonderful features about this game. It's not like other Squaresoft games (Final Fantasies and Chronos). It is real-time fighting. Meaning that you can actually move your character while you fight. This may not seem so amazing, but combined with Squaresoft type fighting atmosphere, it turns out amazing. The game's story line is another great feature of the game. The story line is slowly revealing throughout the game, yet not so slow that you lose interest. The perfect combination. The characters of the are also great. There are both Squaresoft Japanime type characters and Disney Cartoon type characters. another great combination. You can find out the other amazing features of this game by buying it and playing it. All I have to say is that Kingdom Hearts is the best game of ALL TIME. I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 2.