sesteiportrait.JPG (27920 bytes) Alias:  Setsei Ikatsume (Family Name First)
Age:  17
Gender:  Male
Hobbies:  Tabletop role-playing is my biggest, aside from my anime fandom.  I also dabble in crappy drawings and half finished stories from a wayward mind.  I also do a little bit of web sites, but this is the only one I pay attention to.
Profile:  Don't let the e-mail scare you, I'm not all that bad.  Bad-ass maybe, but not bad.  I'm an anime freak beyond a doubt and a half.  Endless anime on dvd, vhs and the computer to the point of nearly no life.  I like the fast paced action to the heartfelt dramas.  I'm also an avid role-player.  Mainly not computer or platform, though I dabble in those that let you truly have a chance to do whatever you want to.  A master of the D20 system, and knowledgeable on the Palladium Megaverse i enjoy anything that lets you leave the boundaries of reality and soar (or be sore).  I have done a few noteworthy things in my life, but none are more notable than this page your reading, and my recreation of the D20 system fro Kingdom Hearts.   In that I've made some monumental changes to the rules in order for players to have more fun.  It's made the game a bit more combat oriented by the feats, and magic oriented by the skills.  By no means though would I ever allow it to diminish the role playing that should come with a game.  Beyond that, I work.  At Sam's Italian Sandwich Shop in Freeport.  Doubt anybody who comes here knows about that, unless they know me.  I'm currently the only updater, so unfortunately all the good juicy info will be second hand info.
You may have gotten here from any heartless site if you did, I'm joking you crazy fools!  LOL and all that good stuff.  have to explain the e-mail some how.....

Other than just being about me I will also place some pics/info or fun stuff for members of my RPG.  Soon this will be a mini site with news, the merc group and  anything else you need to know from game time to what happened last game.  Visit as soon as this is up to stay on top of the game. 

Check out these pics of mine, not to do w/ KH though..
Ikatsume Character Sketch
Sora from Digimon
Ken from Digimon
A fantasy girl
Sad Gargoyle
Grim Gargoyle
DBZ character from an RPG
The lady with a gun
My self, drawn during math
Holiday Cheer- even though it's not that time