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Layout features a character from the Chao Comics "Evil Ernie" series. Sadly though I have Forgotten her name. Young somthing I know but her brothers name is Billy. That I know.
Anyhow's This is a really simple layout. Black on whites and dash of grays.
This layout uses tables, div layers and some css. Thats about it. Image right goes to Chaos Comics. (They could use all the help they can get).
Title is a Megadeth song.


Open up the peace.html file and follow the easy to find and read instructions. I places lovely tags to point stuff out to where you put stuff.
The links are in a div tag so if you put too much there it will start to scroll.


Credit goes to the Late Chaos Comics for making a really neat-o comic with even neater character and to me for being a shameless addict. ^_^
Credit goes to the artist Pipper from DDG who I got the kinda for the layout from.


Not much but something.

Layout © Silently_Jealous
Content © Insert Your Name Or Something


