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City of Heroes FANS

11 December 2003


A LOT of time has passed since i first started this project.Now the Closed Beta is running, my life is changing radically and this project is still not finished.
Does it mean i won't ? Until Cryptic Studios or NCSoft ask/tell me to stop this, the answer is "NO".
Some of us(not me) are in Beta currently and some others will probably have the chance to enter it as well.
So people interest for this, is going to decrease but i don't care: i've spent so much time in learning Web techniques,issues,characteristics that i definately wants to finish it.

This update indicates that i'm back at work :o)

This "site" is going to be cancelled for the new (in construction) at so update your bookmarks :).


City of Heroes and all associated intellectual property ©2000, ©2001 Cryptic Studios, Inc.. and may not be used without prior written consent from Cryptic Studios, Inc.