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!World Education! English Immersion Program
Umphium Mai, Thailand
!!EIP Thailand!!

















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Education Assistance to Burmese Refugees


Since 1984, Thailand's border with Burma has been flooded by Karen, Karenni and other ethnic minority refugees who seek asylum protection from human rights abuses constraints on their political freedom. Recent estimates claim that more than 133,000 live in camps stretching along the Thai-Burmese nearly a million as illegal migrants periphery of these camps. Many face threat relocation instability because violence movements. June 1999, funding USAID, Consortium World Education Learning began providing assistance to supporting refugee leaders responding needs identified educators, is development an system fosters civic participation, empowers communities, offers sustainable educational structure can be replicated adapted upon' return Burma.

Project Goal

The goal of the Consortium's Education Assistance to Burmese Refugees project is fourfold. First, it aims to develop a shared vision among refugee and border community educators of sustainable education programs. Second, it develops the capacity of local Thai and Thai-Karen refugee partners to define and manage their own education programs. Third, it enhances the quality of primary and secondary education by training teachers and school administrators, and by involving parents in education activities. Fourth, it promotes access to education and responds to non-formal education needs of the community.

Improving Educational Quality with Teacher Training

Education specialists working with the Consortium promote participatory, student-centered teaching methods rather than traditional learning by rote. New teachers take part in the Teacher Preparation Course while school administrators engage in the Management Training Course. Teachers have on-going teacher training and support which helps them create improved curricula and standards. Refugee educators are developing science, social science and health teaching materials in diverse ethnic languages. Teachers already teaching have opportunities to increase their knowledge on their subject matter through a Teacher Training College, and can enroll in intensive English courses. Regular surveys assess needs within the ethnic minority communities and help refugees and NGO partners decide which projects and activities to implement.

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Supporting Education Efforts in Thai Border Communities

To assist refugees and displaced people from Burma living outside of the refugee camps in Thai villages, the Consortium provides targeted education support to several Thai communities along the Thai-Burmese border. The Consortium provides teaching interns to schools and nurseries, helps with school upgrading activities (water pumps, fish ponds, and duck raising for the school lunch program), assists in adult literacy, and implements a school-based environmental and life skills education program focused on sustainable agriculture.

Capacity Building

All activities and programs are driven by requests made by refugee education leaders. The Consortium involves Karen, Karenni and other ethnic peoples in all projects, both as project staff and training counterparts. In order to help develop human resource capacity within the refugee and border community, program beneficiaries participate in the development, design, and evaluation of all education programs.

Target Areas

The Consortium currently works in two provinces: Mae Hong Son and Tak. In Mae Hong Son, the Consortium shares responsibility with Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) for providing education services in Camps 2, 3 and 5. In Tak Province, the Consortium shares that responsibility with ZOA Refugee Care - Netherlands (ZOA) in Mae La, Umphiem Mai, and Nupo refugee camps.

Contact Information
Consortium Thailand
Mr. Fred Ligon, Project Director
Phone: 66-55-534-791