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Thank you for taking this time with us.

Steve was a good husband and father.He did his best to provide for his family, but he faced many demons each day...they haunted not only his sleep...but his daily life.

Steve graduated high school in 1969. He had lived a sheltered upscale life for his first 18 years,but 6 weeks later--straight out of boot camp--he found himself in the middle of a jungle fighting for his life. He did a double hitch in Nam, and volunteered to go for a third, when a superior officer told him he had a death wish and to pack his gear for the states.

When Steve came home, he wouldn't eat dinner with the family. He would take his plate and cower in a corner waiting for an attack that wouldn't come. After a few months of counseling,life seemed to return to normal, but in his sleep, life would never be the same.

I met and fell in love with Steve in 1977. I thought he was just a normal, fun loving guy. It wasn't until after we were married that I found out what nightmares were about. When life was stessful---the war returned. Counseling helped, but there was no cure. Once after a head injury in 1981, he actually believed the Vietnameese were attacking during his waking hours----it was horrible!!! The doctor said it was his reaction to a medication he was taking and dismissed it.

In March 2000, under much stress after a lot of job changes,(he was a truck driver),and overdue bills, he decided to call it quits. He got up on Saturday morning and went out to get a newspaper. He said he would be back in a little bit. What he did was, however, go to a flea market, buy a hand gun, and drive to the lake to end his life. He never thought about the damage he would do to his cherished 6 year old daughter who is STILL waiting for Daddy to come home. She's 9 now, but has learning disabilities and doesen't understand Daddy will never be coming home.

I work as a waitress and have struggled to keep us afloat for 3 years now, but with the downturn in the economy, the tourists just aren't coming this year. If you could help us it will be greatly appreciated. A dime or a dollar, anything will help. Prayers are appreciated even more so. I know this is only a test, God will bless us all in His time. If you use paypal, please send to If you prefer Snail Mail, it is "Lindsay" PO Box 1171, Corbin, KY 40701. Love And Prayers, Robin