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Vigil at Caterpillar Headquarters

Peoria, Illinois

July 13, 2002

Flowers in memory of Palestinians killed by Caterpillar bulldozers
Bunches of flowers, laid to rest below the Caterpillar Corporate logo, signifiy the many lost lives of Palestinian and Israeli children during a three month period in Spring 2002.

Mary and Sharon with ETO banner.
Mary and Sharon standing strong at the main entrance to Caterpillar Headquarters.

In the shade with signs
Group of vigil participants holding signs asking Cateripillar to stop "arming the occupation" and "don't bulldoze hope" by supplying the Israeli Armed Forces with the Caterpillar D9 bulldozer (documented to destroy homes and buildings).  Participants in the vigil included churches and peace groups from Peroia and surrounding areas, along with Christian Peacemakers, and a handful of students.

In the sun with signs
A reporter from the local newstation interviews Christian Peacemaker, Cliff Kinde, who completed the 190 mile walk from Chicago to Peoria, amidst the backdrop of other vigil participants.