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      Carol and I just got home and got changed out of our wet clothes, but we are smiling and encouraged despite an hour of standing in the rain.  Sami said it best when he said: "we're like the U.S. Postal service that is not detered by a little thing like rain".  It was truly encouraging to see about 25 hearty folks still faithfully getting the message out - whatever the weather - and we have been doing it now for nearly a year!
      Several concur with my feeling that more people seem to be responding favorably to our message.  
      Watching people in their cars this noon I was reminded of some words from the Bible where God says: "I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were either cold or hot", Revelation 3:14.  The passage goes on to pass judgment on the undecided.
      I was encouraged by those who blew their horns or gave us a thumbs up in support as they passed by today.  I was understanding of those who disagreed with our message.  But I was most disappointed in those who studiously tried to avoid eye contact with us and our message.  I believe they symbolize the real problem.  They are the people who don't want to think about things that are disturbing or difficult.  It is our challenge to help them see.  
      Maybe a billboard on Rt. 59 will help to accomplish that.   That was discussed at the potluck last night as well as plans for our campaign agains Caterpillar.  
      We also set the date for the May  potluck for May 24, 7:00 p.m., and the Vigil for noon the 25th, rain or shine (unless there is a thunderstorm at the time, lightening does deter us!)

Peace, Salam and Shalom,  Duane