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Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition announces our third National Demonstration. This demonstration is to Commemorate the Second Anniversary of the Intifada and a solemn Remembrance of the 20th Anniversary of the Sabra and Shatilla Massacre, on Sunday September 29th, 2002 in Chicago , Illinois.

Al-Awda calls on all its members and supporters to join us in Chicago on the weekend of September 29th. Preliminary events will begin on Saturday the 28th, which include: working groups, opportunities to network and attend workshops and a special event on Saturday night: Cafe Intfada, which will include an evening of spoken word, music and performance for the Liberation of Palestine.

Sunday's National Rally will be held from 11 am to 6 PM, In Federal Plaza, and will include a march and a rally with a variety of speakers. These events will draw the public's attention to the dire situation in Palestine, attention to the plight of the Palestinian Refugees, Israel's gross human rights abuses and the suffering it has inflicted over 54 years, the past two years unlike any events seen in the history of the Palestine. We affirm the inalienable right of all Palestinian Refugees to return to their homes of origin, and to the lands from which they were expelled in 1948 and thereafter. The Rally will highlight the unity of the Palestinian people everywhere, as well as reaffirm our unqualified support for our people in Occupied Palestine suffering for two long years under the brutal regime of Ariel Sharon , Israeli policies, and the racist Israeli Apartheid policies which have killed over 2000, innocent men women and children and injured, and maimed for life over 20,000 Palestinians two thirds who are children under the age of eighteen.

The events will also commemorate and honor those lost in the 1982 Massacre of Sabra and Shatilla, in Beirut Lebanon, at the hands of the Butcher known to us as Ariel Sharon. In September 1982, approximately two thousand innocent Palestinian and Lebanese men, women and children were killed in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla in Beirut. These massacres were financed and supported by Israel whose military surrounded the camps and occupied Beirut at the time. The ongoing Al-Aqsa Intifada began in September 2000 following Ariel Sharon's provocative visit to Islam's holiest site in Jerusalem.

We, Al-Awda, as the largest grassroots network for Palestinian human rights, call on each and every supporter defender and advocate for the Palestinian people to join us on this solemn occasion, by reaching out to your local groups and committees to arrange for the largest possible attendance. There is no time to waste and no sacrifice too great for us all to show our undying solidarity with the Palestinian people, as well as to show a massive force of dissent at the current ill begotten support of Israsl by the United States, by way of its policies towards Israel and against the full and certain rights of the Palestinian peoples as they have suffered over two years in this brutal assault on their life and liberty.

Please join us on September 29th, as we affirm out national aspirations, as we affirm the inalienable right to return and compensation of all Palestine Refugees. On that day, there will be similar events across the globe, as we stand in unity with our besieged people at this time of desperation and outrage.

More information will be forthcoming as will announcements about events taking place simultaneously around the globe, in the camps and on the ground in Palestine.

If you are interested in helping to plan for these events, please help by joining Al-Awda Events Committee by sending a blank message to: as soon as possible.

We also call on all local committees in North America and Canada, to begin the process of planning for transportation and fundraising for this most vital and important event.

Working together we can make this event the largest ever Al-Awda Rally.


Join US as We Dare to Speak Truth To Power!