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Craig Coshun Fan Club

By Dave and Scott

You are listening to "More Than a Feeling" by one of Craig's favorite bands, BOSTON!

BIO | Fan Club Dates | Links | Poll | Message Board | Members | Brewers Schedule | Craig's Friends

This is a site dedicated to the one and only Craig Coshun. Please sign the guestbook and send in any pictures that you wish to have posted on the site. Thanks,

Dave and Scott |



Welcome our new member Maggie K., aka Jeff's brother's girlfreind.

~July 15~ Erik Witt's suspension has been changed to a three day ban from the message board.

Today I added a MIDI file of "More Than a Feeling" by Boston, one of Craig's favorite bands.

Check the BIO page for the interview I conducted with Craig at the first outing.

~July 13~ Today I recieved an e-mail from the robo camera guys from Fox Sports Net. There will soon be a branch of the Club for these hard working guys, Josh and Tom. They have known Craig since his days at Madison, and they said he was "a real class act." I couldn't agree more.

I would like to welcome our new members, Josh and Tom (from above), and Peter Pfaller.

Erik Witt, our Public Relations Supervisor, will be serving a one game suspension for today's message board fiasco. I hope there are no hard feelings and he does not take this personal, but we just can't be having this type of thing going on.

~July 12~ After our first official outing as a fan club, Scott, Scott, Pat, Erik, Jeff, Adam, the guy who sat by us, and I had a great time. The results were better than we ever expected, and a photo album of the event will be posted soon, along with an updated site due to the pictures we took at the game. Be sure to check back daily to see the pictures when they are posted, and tell everyone to join the club!

BIO | Fan Club Dates | Links | Poll | Message Board | Members | Brewers Schedule | Craig's Friends

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