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Welcome to corksafety!

This is Zachary Saum, 3 years and 5
plastic surgery operations after being struck
with a cork.

Some people think it is important to raise awareness for starving children in third world countries, but here at corksafety we try to focus on the more important things, like the danger of popping corks. A real fact is that each year more people are killed by airborne corks than poisonous spiders. Here at corksafety we try to raise awareness of this dangerous epidemic that plagues restaurants, clubs, and even parties in your own home. By raising awareness we can save lives.

History of the Cork

The cork was invented in 1308 by a crazed hermaphrodite, Jingle Corkshew, a Belgian tavern owner. His intentions for the cork were to plug the local dam, and release it, so he could flood the town of Gent which was downriver. He completed construction of his massive cork in 1311. Tragedy struck the night he was to plug the local dam. The house he was storing the cork in caught on fire, destroying the massive cork. So devastated by the loss, Corkshew spent the next 10 years of his life in his home making miniature corks. His life came to a sudden end one day when he walked out of his home to trip over a lawn gnome and landing head first into a rock. Local officers found his body days later, and arrested the lawn gnome. The gnome didn’t say a word as the officers carried the plastic killer away.

This lawn gnome, arrested by officers, was charged with Corkshew's murder.

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