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Bridge Jumping

Ok well this is the part of my website where I'll give you the latest reports of the week.

June 8, 2003 Nothing today but tuesday and thursday look nasty with mostly sunny high 70 degree weather and low tides around 3-4 o'clock. If you're not there you won't know what you're missing.

June 7, 2003 Today sucked me and aiz went at dead low tide around noon but the water was so damn cold we could only manage a backflip each and then we had to leave.

June 6, 2003 Today was an awesome bridge jumping day in the 80 degree weather and cold water. The only bad part was the smelly hanover kids tring to hit on Wiley and it was high tide. It was good anyway though. Greg proved that his front flip is not a fluke, paul did the same with his backflip. I backflipped the Hydros and almost f'ed myself by under-rotating. Mook made a nice backflip too and that was about it. We got some good footage for Greg's English video too and tomorrow is looking strong.

June 5, 2003 Today was bull. It was way too cold after yesterday's encounter to Jump but tomorrow we will be there in the afternoon as long as there is no surf.

June 4, 2003 Today me, greg, greg, almeida and Snell wento to the bridge in the 50 degree weather and jumped into some nippy water. The Gregs and Snells were vag's because they had to jump with wet suits. I kicked off the video we were making witha front flip over the rocks. Then they did a couple of regular jumps. Then we got to the good shit. Greg did a BS front flip where he started to Spin and claims he "meant to do it" then I followed with a backflip and Snell made his first attempt ever doing it pretty succesfully (meaning he wasn't completely screwed) then before we went to the hot tub greg finshed with a jaw breaking 720.V

June 3, 2003 After some weak surf we jumped the bridge. It wasn't too bad today. Warmer than last week. Nothing much went on except a nasty flip by mook, one by me and a lot of straight jumps.

May 29, 2003 Stay Away! I have never been in water so cold. To day was the first jumps of the season for me Donohue and Kramer. hitting that water was like diving into ice we couldn't even breath or move. We only took a jump each with a Mike-a-saurus and two back flips. Altogether refreshing but hopefully next week will be better.

Top Ten Bridge Jump Moves I've seen

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