Well folks, the Wasaga trip is finally over and i have to say...it was awesome! So many good times mixed in with various strange and memorable moments. The majority of the trip was well documented so there should be plenty of pic for everyone to see and enjoy. As for the actual trip summary, I will personally give you a day by day account of what happened from the Friday all the way to the Monday when it all ended. Prepare yourselves for joke city at its best.

Wasaga Trip TO DO List:

Day 1

The trip basically started at around 7 Friday evening. It was raining and let me say...the BoyZ were not happy about the weather being this way. We were hoping for bright sunshine and warm weather. The Grand Am and Dakota were cleaned that morning ( Go here to see the pics) After packing both cars up the max and then waiting for Dickson to get his ass over, we were finally off. The trip included myself (Bilal) Benetti, Cook, Ryan, Osama and Dickson. It took us 2 hours to get to Ryan’s cottage and the drive consisted of taking sharp turns in THICK fog at almost 150km/h. I thought I was going to die and kill everyone in my car. We got to the cottage at night and all the BoyZ were getting pretty hungry. So it was a late night BBQ on the deck. Surprisingly Cook had 2 Steaks and I must say…there was a lot jokes going on along with a whole lot of hardcore dancing. After we ate we thought we’d go mudding in the truck and start a bon fire way behind the cottage in the field. The fire was basically Ryan and Osama spraying Cook’s lighter fluid on some burning paper. Cook was not happy. In fact, this was not one of Cook’s better nights. His memorable argument stating that Robert Duvall played Boo Radley in the “To kill a mocking bird” film was a classic moment (I think he might be right…but who cares!?). However, the moment when Dickson referred to Robert Duvall as “Boo Pooley” will forever go down in history as the funniest moment ever. Then there was some drunken off roading at 2am and then we finally went to bed. (Note: the rest of the night consisted of Dickson farting up a storm and Ryan kicking me in face in the middle of the night) The pic below is of us in the morning. You can see the Blazer is quite muddy and you can also see Cook in his infamous "hobo sweatshirt"

Day 2

Well Saturday morning was the usual trip to the general store to pick you eggs and bread cause we (as always) weren’t prepared for anything. After a morning of Cook swearing at people cause people kept taking his bread (remember “that’s MY fuckin piece of toast!!) we set out for Wasaga beach. Everyone was pumped to say the least. Ryan drove the Dakota with the boat attached while I drove the Blazer. When we finally got there it was time to find a campsite and eventually we found a pretty good one thanks to Ryan. We realized that 1 tent for 7 people wasn’t enough so a Dickson, Osama and Ryan went to buy another tent while Mike and I drove the Blazer looking for our bud Travis who was supposed to meet us at Micky D’s (Cook was in charge of watching our stuff). Eventually Travis got there with his own tent, we bought another and it was time to party!!!

One memorable moment was when Dickson walked out of the bathroom with some toilet paper sticking out of his pants. Benetti was the first to spot it and I was the one to notice the shit all over as Dickson threw it to the ground…seriously, who forget to take the toilet paper OUT of their ass afterwards? This was the picture we took of the toilet paper in the toilet.....you can seen the shit!

Fast forward to 10:30pm when we all finally set out to hit up the clubs. None of us were prepared for the level of clubbin people on the strip. No one looked like they were even remotely close to wearing anything related to camping. I for one felt robbed since I like to get pimped out. We decided on hittin up a place call The DARD which ended up in another memorable moment. We were all sitting at a table watching girls shake their asses when all of a sudden Dickson feels someone’s hand on his back. Osama sees a random guy rubbing Dickson on the back and he of course tells everyone else. When the guy started giving Dickson a massage, we all got up and ran downstairs. We affectionately named this drunken homosexual Tony Tap Ass (TTA). Downstairs we played A LOT of pool and Ryan got drunk out of his mind and thought the bartender was coming on to him….poor poor Ryan. The club got too packed and we weren’t allowed back upstairs so we left (without Ryan by mistake). Osama and Cook decided they wanted to go back inside while Dickson, Benetti, Travis and I decided to go back to the campsite. We got to the site at around 2am cause I decided that Travis needed to be pushed there in a shopping cart. I Once at the site, we tried to start a campfire which was hopeless…so we used gasoline instead and well…..we burned everything and got yelled at by the owner. Next, Dickson thought he could chug half a 26’er of rum …which he did and we were all impressed. We decided that we wanted to take the Blazer out for a spin (at 2:30am) and tried to find the keys but remembered Ryan had them. At this point we have no idea where Ryan is and assumed he was still at the club. By chance I noticed the Dakota door was open for some reason and when we opened it, we saw Ryan’s drunken carcass lying inside!!! He had been there the whole time! The rest of the night consisted of a lot of drunken talk by Dickson, Ryan puking and then Dickson puking and some girl giving her boyfriend a blowjob in front of the fire (cozy!). We didn’t sleep until 5am and the rest of the camping grounds were NOT happy!!!

Day 3&4