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Boyle and Buch Movie Reviews

I have been there and back when it comes to movies. I have seen the best and I am pretty sure I have seen some of the worst movies ever created. But when it comes to movies, its all opinion. Whenever there is a movie, there is the proper demographics for it. There is a person for every movie theater seat. What about the critics nowadays? Did you ever hear a horrible movie review for a movie and then you loved it when you finally had the chance to see it? That has happened hundreds of times to me. For example, Oceans 11 was considered just a messy colaboration of A-list actors that didn't get anything done(much like the original). I happened to love that movie. Movie critics nowadays are paid to badmouth movies. One studio will pay a critic to badmouth another studios blockbuster hit. Of course, this has never really happened, but it is just speculation from this point of view. If you want honest movie reviews, I will give them to you, but If you truly want to see a movie, just go ahead and dont let anyone stop you.

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