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Shirerithian Observer

Issue #1, June 2003.

Brought to you by the Ministry of Information





 With summertime in full bloom, activity in Shireroth is blooming too! After an almost inactive spring, the citizens and guest are all displaying an outburst of remarkable posting energy! It has been an uneasy and rather challenging task to keep up with what has been going on in every corner of the Republic; however, I believe I’ve managed. In this publication I offer you a taste of what has been going on for the past month. I hope to find cooperation from the Shirerithians in my struggle to make this an interesting and fun newspaper to read. Please email me any of your stories or ideas at


Shireroth Revived

Can this outstanding activity be logically explained?

Since the 20th of June 2003 increasing activity has been rejoicing the Shirerithians. With an average of 94 posts per day, this is the most action the Republic has seen in a very long time. It is a known internet rule that things usually quiet down over the summer. We cannot help but wonder what is causing such a boost.

There are a number of facts that can logically explain the revival. Shireroth suffered from a tremendous lack of activity all spring and therefor it is most likely that people, feeling guilty, are trying to make up for their absence. It also should be mentioned that several major events took place on the 20th of June which possibly gave the boards a kick forward. Firstly, the infamous sword-bearing cool-looking scary guy, the captain of the Shirerithian Imperial Guard, Mr. Stone Jackabar marked his return. Secondly Kaiser Raynor X issued Imperial Decree #51 declaring Ms. Aurefiction Auraumbre Heir to the Throne of Shireroth.

It seems as though things haven’t quieted down since then! With so many new residents and unawaited come-comebacks, both Shirekeep and the sub-divisions are thriving. To the great joy of their Dukes and Duchesses, parties have returned to Goldshire and fighting into Kildare. Foreign guests are seeking to improve their relations with Shireroth and a cultural revival has been recorded as well. Let's just hope that such activity will be maintained for at least some time!


Heir unveiled

 Who is this weird new girl?

(special thanks to Harvey Steffke for the interview)

Aurefiction, who has  been declared heir to the throne of Shireroth on the 20th, seems to have dived right into things. Having immigrated to Shireroth from the Russian micronation Respublika under the influence of Ari Rahikkala, she never expected things to happen so quickly... The Shirerithian observer proudly presents an exclusive interview with Ms. Auraumbre.

 Harvey Steffke : So, Aurefiction, how do you like Shireroth?

Aurefiction :I really like Shireroth. It's great, especially the people... It's nothing like anything I've seen online so far... It's different. And VERY addictive.

Harvey Steffke : Well you seem to be jumping right into things. You are now the Minister of Information there, correct? What plans do you have for that ministry?

Aurefiction :I'm really trying to keep up with the flow... Things just seem to be... Happening *laughs*. I am, in fact, the Minister of Information and I'm trying to revive the ministry a bit. When I first arrived here I was shocked by how stagnant things were. So I decided that a new website was needed and possibly a national newspaper. That is what I'm working on right now.

Harvey Steffke :Seems like a lot of work, and to add on top of that, you are now the heir to the throne! What were your initial reactions to being given that position?

 Aurefiction :I actually found out about it before the decree was passed. Luckily. Erik announced it to me after a really strange discussion about nobility. I, of course, never expected anything like this, so I literally freaked out. On one hand I was very happy, but on the other I was very confused and suspicious. All this contributed to me becoming even crazier than I was before.

Harvey Steffke :Hahaha, then you must fit in pretty well! Now that some time has gone by since the annoucement, do you feel better about it?

Aurefiction : I'm still rather confused because I've never been properly explained why I was chosen... But then again, as I came to know this is the way things happen around here. I'm now pretty fine with it, still feel quiet awkward because I don't know as many things as I'm supposed to... But I'm getting there!

Harvey Steffke :It seems that you are. Since Kaiser Raynor X has been away, you have been given temporary Kaisership of the nation. How do think you are doing so far?

Aurefiction : Yes, indeed, that is what happened. Well, personally I think that Stone's sig, direct quote: “YAY!!! we're doooomed!!!!!!” , cannot be applied to the current situation. I believe I'm doing okay. Not much has popped up so far, but I think I handled the Babkhan situation fairly well.

Harvey Steffke : Speaking of Babkha, your knowledge of foreign nations is limited because you simply have not been around very long. However, there are those that believe that your inexperience is an asset, since no one has a reason to dislike you. What are your thoughts on the subject?

Aurefiction : Well, not knowing some things that seem evident to people who were around for a long time is quiet annoying. However, not being criticized about past mistakes is very helpful indeed, and strangely, people seem to like me. I also quiet like the fact that I can make my own, possibly un-biased judgment about nations which could coming handy in further developing our foreign sector if I'm crowned.

Harvey Steffke :Well, I wish you the best there. Those are all the questions I have for you today. It has, as always, been a pleasure.



 Yes we have it!

June was not only a month of posting revival in Shireroth,  it was also the month of a cultural revival. Many events have taken place to prove that culture is indeed a part of Shirerithian life.

 Musicians of Shireroth are organizing a national band. This brilliant idea stroke Gman Russel late at night and instantly gained immense popularity. The name and the members of the the band remain unknown, but progress is apparent. The volunteers are getting ready to record their first composition, which is most likely going to be a midtempo metal song. Let's wish the best of luck to our musicians and stay put, who knows, we may be getting a new national anthem soon!

Artists from Shireroth and from all around the micronational world are given a chance to show-off their work to each other through the Shirerithian Art Contest. This event was Aurefiction's bright after-midnight idea. This contest, though rather inactive at this time will demonstrate that micronationalists are talented and multi-sided. The sole contribution so far remains WarVoid's brilliant propaganda poster. However, rumors say that there are a few more works in progress.

Another contest was created by the Duke of Goldshire, Harvey Steffke. This was a result of the dramatic disappearance of Goldshire's beautiful scenery. The contest encourages the citizens to locate the perfect landscape for the Duchy. The contributions will be judged by Lord and Lady Steffke and the winner will be rewarded a prize that best suits him or her. Several photographs have been submitted already, all of them equally beautiful... Looks like the judging will take some time!

It is apparent that with so many cultural novelties June this year can safely be called the Renaissance month!


What every Shirerithian should know

The political on-goings

+ New constitution decreed by His Majesty, Kaiser Raynor X passed on the 9th of June. It is different from the old one as it defines the functions of the ministries and specifies he functions of the Kaiser and the Landsraad more in-depth.

+ The new minister of Immigration is Harvey Steffke and the new minister of Information is Aurefiction Auraumbre.

+ In foreign affairs: Shireroth signed a treaty with the Aorist island and there are currently discussions about a possible alliance with Babkha.

+ The Barony of Novi Dalmacija is being revived by Mari GreenWood but is still looking for a new Baron(ess)!


Featurette: The Sonoma Convention

May 2003, Sonoma State University, the first ever Shirerithian convention took place. It lasted for a week, during which 8 lucky citizens of Shireroth: Erik Metzler, Scott Siskind, Harvey Steffke, Jadie Steffke, Eros Darkstar, Stone Jackabar, Fax Celestis and Solitary Poet (in no particular order) enjoyed each other's company According to Scott Siskind, they did various things, ranging from going to the mall and playing computer games to taking swordfighting lessons under Stone's mentorship. The whole idea of this convention leaves the many citizens who were unable to attend rather jealous. This was the first convention, but certainly not the last and we all eagerly await the many more to come!


Thank you for reading the Shirerithian Observer. Check back in a month!