Amf's Introduction To Furcadia


To understand what Amfortas is talking about on this site sometimes, you're going to have to understand what Furcadia is. Now, Amf could just refer you to the official Furcadia homepage and have you tell them about themselves, but there are some things that they don't tell you about at their website, making Furc seem like some magical dream land where you can, "let you imagination soar." So, this is where Amf explains Furcadia, as it really is.

Other Lessons in Furc: Furc's History - Advanced Furcadia

Furcadia Basics

Furcadia is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Now, Furcadia isn't like most MMORGPs. Most MMORPGs have a fancy thing called a "battle system", which lets people "fight" one another. Furcadia is - in essense - little more than a glorified chatroom. It has no "true" battle system, however; it is still possible for people to battle... in a maner of speaking.

There are two ways that people can battle on Furcadia, the first of which is Consent Role-Playing. Consent RP is based on... consent. With this type of RP, every swordswing is typed out by the user, and whether or not that swordswing is deflected is typed out by the user being attacked. Now, think about that for a minute... This means that the person being attacked gets to choose whether or not they are hit. Since there is no good way to officiate such battles, consent RP is done in good faith. There are some people who refuse to consent to even the most unavoidable strikes. These people are known as PowerGammers, or just PG, which will be more clearly defined in the next section. Usually, people who play by the "consent" rule, play to tell a story, rather than to kick someone's ass, so it is usually done through a group of close friends.

The second type of battling within Furcadia is "Dice Role-Playing". Dice RP is done with a built-in dice-rolling command. This makes Furcadia an ideal place to have online AD&D campaigns, as long as the people playing don't mind one thing... Which brings me to the next thing you should know about Furcadia...

Furcadia is a Furry MMORPG. This means that rather than playing human characters, the people on Furcadia play as anthromorphs (Sentient animals that walk on two legs). This is not to say that the determined user couldn't be a human, elf, or dwarf, however; because Furcadia allows the user to make our own maps, called "Dreams", which they can add patches to, allowing them to change the images for their character and the environment around them.
