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Romantic- Abdul Basit

Got into bed and surprised myself. I missed you. I missed your flesh, here beside me. I missed the sound of your breating, your smell, even your shores n sores. I had't caught myself I would have smelled the sheets for some sign of your presence. Come here, I'd like to curl my body around you. Come here, I miss you.

Yesterday I judged you without knowing anything about you, and i'm sorry. I should know better than that by now. And u r actually such a nice person, have always been sweet and looking to make my life easier rather than harder.Thankyou. I'd like to sit down with you and talk, hear ur story of how you ended up here, and whether or not you are happy.

So tired and overfilled with love that it makes my head spin. Is this how it's going to be forever? Every bad thing that happens makes me at once more scared, and loving. I'm feeling very Budhist right now.When I look at people as they walk down the street they seem so fragile!