Hacking into this site or changing it in ANY WAY WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE is AGAINST THE RULES!!!!
You may only have up to 3 eggs at a time.
You may trade pets, but you must tell me who you want to trade pets with, and which one.
When you get your first pet, tell me what you want me to name it.
You may not tell me to abondon your pet. You may only trade to get "a rid" of your pet. If you try making it clear to other people you don't like your pet, you may lose points.
Points are kind of like money. You get them by emailing or telling me the code that you got when you beat a game. You spend points at the point shop.
To confirm that you have read the rules, at the bottom of the registeration write: Confirm=teddy bear.
You cannot use the same code twice. I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT.