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"sometimes it's hard to keep in touch with yourself when you don't know where you are. sometimes all you can get are little fragments--clues pointing to your whereabouts. words or images, and you try frantically to capture them just as they are, in the hopes that maybe someday you'll be able to make sense of it you do it--painfully at times gracefully , akwardly..."

1 identity essence . 2 personal strangers: friends volume I
3 outside connections: friends volume II . 4 works: prose and poetry . 5 fond reflections
6 threads: of some interest . 7 links: of some use . 8 randomness: silly thoughts

This little collection of pages that I've put out into the electronic vastness is for the benefit of me. It is my own little affirmation of my existence, and a small outlet for my expression and ego. Who cares if it's shameless self-absorption? This is what it's all about. This isn't about some stranger stopping by and getting a nice chuckle or a moments entertainment. This isn't about serving some useful, productive, or profitable end. This is about me. This is for me, those close to me, and for that essential part of me that wants to feel alive.

"You cannot read me like an open book. I'm more myself than you will ever look."
[W. H. Auden - At The Party]

"I'm trying to trust the things that I know about me because these are things that don't have to be true by anyone else's standards. I am who I am by my standards."

"The real truth is I probably don't want to be too happy or content, because then what?
I actually like the quest, the search. That's the fun."
[Ally McBeal]

I would like to hear your thoughts, drop me a line, I don't mind really (I'd actually like it).

For those who'd like to see the original frontpage to my site, check it out here (I admit, it's a bit more straight forward).

Last modified April 10, 1998

This page is dedicated to all my good friends (they know who they are). Thanks for being there for me.
I've needed you and I will always be there for you too, wherever I am.

He's alittle out of character for this page I know
But I couldn't resist putting him on here somewhere

This page has been accessed times since May 10, 1998.