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Episode 13: The Crest of Will

Dana watched with shock as Alana burst into the main hall, tears flowing from her eyes.

"HE'S GONE!" she wailed, her voice trembeling from grief.
Dana stood up, along with Davis and the other childeren around her. "Who's gone?" she asked in a confused voice.
Alana had run about half-way to the group when she collapsed, her knees giving out from her weak body. She, Val and Yoli still hadn't fully recovered from when the "dark light" had attacked them. Dana moved forwards, towards the girl.
Willis followed the brunette, and looked over her shoulder at Alana. "What's going on, Dana?" he asked, looking at Alana, who was sitting on the floor, shaking with tears.
"He's gone..." she murmured. "Kyle's gone..."
Dana blinked, then said, "How? Where? Who?"
Alana looked up at Dana with a tear-stained face. "Meitsuki and Kirikojimon...they came and kidnapped him!"
Dana blinked then said, "But how can that be? None of the gaurds saw them come in!"
Ken took a step towards Dana. "Perhaps if I could cut in?" - here, Dana and Willis nodded - "Wormmon told me that Kirikojimon has the ability to transport in and out of any place in the DigiWorld. Perhaps that's what happened, is that the digimon transported her human and herself to this palace, where she took Kyle prisoner."
Yoli nodded in agreement. "That would explain a lot. Like when all the attacks were happening and why none of the gaurds knew about it..."
"But then..." Codi said in thought, "that means that the two of them can get to any place at any time, without anyone knowing about it! That could spell the end for us real fast."
Dana stodd with her right hand on her hip, listening to the others think this out. She was very different from them, and she knew it. It was hard to try and be a part of a team that had been together for such a long time.
Sensing her parteners thoughts, Lunaramon spoke up. "Perhaps if we were to trace the energy trail left by Kirikojimon, we could find out where the two of them took Kyle. Then we could rescue him."
Dana blinked, then asked, "Can you do that?"
Lunaramon nodded. "Yes. All digimon leave behind an energy trail when they transport to other locations. It shouldn't be that hard."
Alana looked at them, then asked, "But...there's something I don't understand..."
"What's that?" Davis asked, speaking up for the first time during that conversation.
"Why did she take Kyle, and not me? What's going on...?" Alana asked, and Nathans voice responded behind her, "I'm not sure, Alana...but we're going to try as hard as we can to get Kyle back, I promise that."
Alana turned to see the group of older DigiDestined, all of them smiling at her and the others.
"So then, this is going to be a quest?" Codi asked, looking at the others.
Joe nodded, then said, "In a way, I guess you could say that."
"And when we find Kirikojimon and Meitsuki, we can end this dark nightmare once and for all!" Izzy said, clenching a fist.
Matt sighed, then said, "Sadly, us older kids won't be as much help as you guys, because our digimon can't go past the Mega stage..."
"Anything that will help is more then needed," said Dana with a small smile, and Lunaramon nodded in agreement. "Look at me!" she said with a lopsided grin, "I haven't even gone to my Champion!"
Tai agreed. "True. Now, let's get this goin! Time's awasting!"
Matt rolled his eyes, then caught Gabumons eye, and smirked. "Well, fearless leader, do show the way," Matt moved into a mocking position of sweaping his arms to show Tai where to go.
Tai just sighed, and rolled his eyes too. "Whatever, Matt..."
Agumon glanced at the others, then grinned as Gabumon mimiced Matt. "Please, leader-digi, show us the way, because we're too stupid to find it ourselves!"
The two digimon broke out laughing, and no one really understood why.
"Must be hormones..." Mimi said with a sigh, and
Val nodded. "Definatly hormones..."
Palmon, Poisomon, and Dayakyumon all looked up at the two, then asked all at once, "What are hormones?"
"Do they scare things away?" Poisomon asked. "Like beans do?"
Everyone laughed, then Sora said, "No, hormones are much different then beans..."
Poisomon exchanged a confused look with Metamon. None of the digimon understood what this 'hormones' bussiness was about, but they decided that it was best not to know, and went on with their life.
"We should probably get going..." Felina urged, brushing some strands of loose hair away from her emerald eyes, "That is, if we want to find out what happened to Kyle."
Sora snorted here. "What does it matter?" she asked, remembering what had happened earlier.
Alana turned and looked at Sora, moving away from Horkamon, who had moved forwards and had been talking with Alana. "What does it matter...? Did I hear you right?"
Sora nodded, then said, "I'm sure Kyle can get home on his own, right?"
Alana glared at Sora, and wiped the tears away from her eyes. "Listen Sora, I may not know what happened between the two of you, and I may not know why you're so angry with Kyle, but I do know that you aren't acting normal. The Sora I know would still try to help; even if something happened that she didn't like."
The aburn hared gril glared at Alana; but the glare slowly softened until she sighed. "You maybe right...I'm just a bit strung out, ya know? I think that we were all so unready for this to's not a very good sign."
Alana nodded. "Don't worry about it. We just need to get ready to go."
The group split up; everyone going to their rooms to change into clean cloths and their uniforms. It seemed that the ending battle was soon to come.

Kyle lifted his head, getting his suroundings into focus before he moved.

It was a good thing he did so, too. For he was chained to a wall, but the wall was a rock wall, and he was hanging over a black pit. Across him was a small ledge, where he spotted a figure looking at him.
As his eyes adjusted, he saw that it was Meitsuki and Kirikojimon. The digimons eyes were glowing crimson in the dim light.
Meitsuki smiled a dark and forboding smile, and spoke up, her voice carrying across the small canyon. "Well, well...I see you've awoken. I would suggest that you don't move, because you might regret that motion."
Kyle glared at her the best he could then asked, "What...what happened...? Why was I unconchous...?"
Meitsuki smiled, then said, "Let's just say you tried to escape when we arrived, and we had...troubles with that."
Kirikojimon hissed out, "Yes, so we knocked out out."
Kyle blinked, remembering that happening, though the memory seemed dim and far away. He tried to stand up fully, and cringed in pain, realising that the entire left side of his body was brused and battered. The two hadn't taken any chances of him waking up before they had him in their grasp.
He tried to speak again, but now that his body was awake, every nerve in his face was feeling pain, and he realised that he had a large bloody bump on the side of his head.
All that came out of Kyles mouth was a groan of pain. His head fell forwards, and his body relaxed as he fell back into unconchousness.
Meitsuki smirked, knowing that this was the perfict way to get the bubmling fools that called themselves 'DigiDestined' to come to her. There was no better plan then to take one of their own and make them into bait.
However, she didn't realise that she had chosen the wrong child.

Felina's parents fussed over their daughtor, not wanting her to get too cold or too hot or too anything. The blue-hared girl reassured them mnay times before they said their final good-byes.

The group headed out, following the invisable trail that only the digimon could sense.
"This is getting so boring..." Davis whined, and Dana glanced at him.
"You're kidding, right?" she asked, looking at him.
"Maybe I am, and maybe I'm not," Davis grumbled.
"But we just left ten minutes ago!" Dana exclaimed. "There's no way you can already be bored!"
Veemon looked up at his friend, then turned to Dana and said, "I'm sure you realise by now that Davis has a small intention span?"
Dana sighed, then said, "You need to put more effort into your life, Davis..."
Yoli sighed, then said, "Davis only puts effort into eating..."
Everyone broke out laughing.
Kari giggled, then said, "Tat's true, but you never know with the all-mighty goggle-heads!"
"Hey!" both Davis and Tai yelled, glarign at Kari.
Nathan smirked. "That's why I don't wear goggles...they cut off the circulation to your brain..."
"...hense Davis and Tai!" Val said with a grin.
Mimi giggled too, and said, "Too true, girlfriend!" The two girls gave off a high-five between themselves, and giggled again.
Tai sighed, then said, "I don't wear goggles anymore, though."
"Thus showing that the circulation to your brain is still cut off, and that wearing goggles causes long-term damage," Izzy pointed out, a grin on his face.
Nathan rolled his eyes, then said, "I'm glad none of you are hyper today..."
Justin slapped his friend on the shoulder, then said, "What's up, army-boy?"
"Go put on your spandex, Superman..." Nathan retored automatically.
Justin stuck his tongue out at Nathan, then said, "At least I can fly and use lazer-vision!"
Nathan rose an eyebrow, and asked, "Is that the best you could comeback with?"
Justin shrugged. "It doesn't matter."
Dana giggled, then was about to say something when the group reached a small clearing and in the center of it was a white tree with silver leaves. Etched into the trunk of the tree was a sign.
Dana blinked, then looked at it. "What is that?"
Felina turned and looked at Dana. "It's a Crest!"
Dana blinked, then suddenly the tree began to glow a dark purple, the Crest symbol becoming more obvous.
Slowly, the Crest melded away from the tree, and zipped over to Dana, where it hovered next to her for a second, then landed in her golved hand.
She just looked at it like it wasn't really there.
"What...why...huh?" She stumbled over the words.
Ken looked over Danas shoulder, then said, "That's the Crest of Will."
Willis blinked when Davis said, "What are you talking about? Willis is a Crest?"
The blonde hared boy tried to resist smacking Davis, and almost did when he was interrupted by Ken. "No, Davis. It's the Crest of Will, as in she has the will to survive? That kind of Will."
Justin sighed, then said, "Speaking of Survival...look over there."
He pointed to a spot where four digi-eggs lay in the dirt around the tree. The four digi-eggs had different signs on them. One was dark blue with a blue-green sign on it.
"It's the digi-egg of Spirit!" Sora gasped, and Val looked at it in shock.
The next one was an oval shape with fox ears, guns and a sea-green sign on it.
"The digi-egg of Survival!" Patamon excalimed, flapping up in the air to get a better look.
The third one was grey with Gatomon-like ears that had crimson tips and had a dark-purple sign on it.
"The digi-egg of Will," Dana mumured.
The last one was green and purple and had the dark blue sign of Belief on it.
Anthylamon began to tear up, her purple eyes clouding over with the tears, and she sniffed a bit, then in a shaky voice, she said, "The digi-egg of Belief..."
"Who do they go to though?" Nathan asked, looking around the group.
"Well, I'm guessing that since Dana's the only new kid in your group, she gets them," Yoli said, thoughtfully. "Though, I might be wrong..."
Dana held up her purple D-3, and blinked as the four digi-eggs turned into lights, and zipped over to it, then into the digivice.
She just stared at it in shock. ""
Lunaramon grinned, then said in a happy voice, "I guess that means I can digivolve now too!"
"That might come in handy, too," Nathan said, then took a step back.
Everyone turned to see a digimon and a human standing across the clearing from them. Another digimon and human appeared behind them.
The first set was Meitsuki and Kirikojimon, and the second was the dark Alana and Destramon.
Meitsuki smirked, then said, "Why, hello there..."
Alana didn't even wait for the girl to finish.
She raced forwards, and scremed, "You bitch! Give Kyle back right now!"
"Alana! Stop it!" Nathan yelled at the girl, but unlike usualy, the girl ignored her leader, and ran at the girl. She drew back her fist and was about to punch Meitsuki when Kirikojimon let forward a blast of energy, throwing Alana back to land on the ground with a loud crunch.
"AH!" Alana shouted after she had landed.
Horkamon ran over to her firend, but was cut of by Destramon, who smirked evilly, and hissed, "I don't think so! BLACK BLADE!" a tidle-wave of blades flew at Horkamon, throwing her backwards into a tree.
"HORKAMON!" Alana screamed, trying to get up.
"C'mon Lunaramon! Let's go!" Dana shouted, holding up her D-3. "Let's try out a new armur! DIGI-ARMUR....ENERGIZE!"
"Lunaramon Armur digivolve to..."
The Will digi-egg exploded from Danas D-3, and zoomed towards Lunaramon.
"TSUKIMIMON! Will is the power of moonlight!" A digimon stood on four legs, her entire body was grey in color and looked alomst like Lunaramon, only the cuffs around her feet and her horn had changed to silver and she had large silver wings explode from her back. Long black claws exploded from her furry paws, and she looked more like a dog then a unicorn-cat. Her face was more angular and less soft. She had armur plates and chest armur explode onto her body. On her chest plate was the purple Crest of Will. "MOONLIGHT EXPLOSION!"
A beam of white light exploded from her mouth and shot at Kirikojimon, who jumped out of the way of the attack.
"Hah! Have to do better then that if you want to win! Kirikojimon digivolve to...MIZUAKUMAMON!" again the water-demon digimon stood, her dark eyes glaring at Tsukimimon. "You can't beat an Ultimate!" she gloated.
"Just like you can't beat a Mega!" returned Alana. She then turned to Dana. "Dana, make her go to the Mega level!"
"But..." Dana began.
"Just believe in you Crest!" Alana said in an urgent tone. "Or else Lunaramon might be killed! She's the only one with enough power at the moment to digivolve! None of our digimon can do it!"
"But they haven't tried!" Dana said in desperation.
"PETTAL-BLADE HURRICANE!" Horkamon cried, sending her attack at the other digimon. The attack hardly phased the digimon.
"PEPPER BREATH!" Agumon yelled.
Still no effect.
Dana relaxed from her tensed stage, and looked down at the Crest she held in her hand.
She blinked, and thought of what had made her get this Crest. Why the Crest of Will?
Why her?
Because she had always been so filled with determination and will. Because she had said that she would do it, no matter how hard it was. Because that was who she was. Because it was who she was.
Dana clenched the Crest in her hand and suddenly Tsukimimon let out a cry of, "Tsukimimon digivolve to..."
"NO!" Meitsuki scremed, and Mizuakumamon cried out, "DEPTH CRUSHER!"
The dark Alana and her digimon both watched the battle between the two digimon with empty expressions.
"SHINJUGAIMON! Will is the power of light!" A digimon with long thin white wings stood, her eyes centered on her foe. The wings were shimmering like mother-of-pearl, as were her eyes. She had long thin legs and a thin, lean body. Around her neck was a silver plate and on her head a long silver horn protruded. She looked much like a unicorn, but with wings like that of an angel. Her hooves were mother-of-pearl as well, and her tail was like a lions, long with a tuft of hair on the tip. On her hind-quarter was the Crest of Will. She reared up on her hind legs, and shouted, "PEARL-MOON ECLIPSE!"
From her horn, hooves, mane, tail and wings, bright light gathered in front of her, and shaped a sphere, then it shot out at Mizuakumamon, sending the digimon flying backwards into a tree, which collapsed under the digimon.
Shinjugaimon jumped into the air, and was nothing but a siloughwhet against the setting sun. She flew around the group, and cried out, "MOON SHIELD!"
The shield protected the group against the attack, but Mizuakumamon had more then just that one attack. "HYDRO EXPLOSION!"
I won't give up...I won't let her win...I won't!
Shinjugaimon reared up again, then cried out, "CRYSTAL REFLECT!" beams of white light exploded from her, and went to each digimon, making them go one level higher, and making them stronger.
Then they let loose a wave of attacks.
However, before anymore of them could attack, the enemies were gone.
"What?!" Joe yelled in shock, staring at the empty space where the four had been standing just moment before.
Izzy blinked, then said, "They must have transported again!"
Alana felt the anger and hatred grow inside of her; hatred and anger towards the two humans and digimon. She also felt pity for them. Mainly for Meitsuki and Kirikojimon. She wasn't sure why, though. Perhaps it didn't matter.
Lunaramon and all of the digimon had returned to their rookie foms, except Lunaramon, who had de-digivolved to her in-training form, Lunamon.
"Dana! Dana! Did you see me? I was sooooo cool!" the hyper digimon squeaked as she hopped over to her human friend.
"Yeah! You were so cool! Your Mega is pretty!" Dana replied, picking the digimon up.
Nathan smirked, then said, "I suppose that there is more to them kidnapping Kyle then we thopught. In a way, it was good. Dana found her Crest, and her digi-eggs."
Justin nodded in agreement, though he looked grim. "But, I bet she would have found them even if he hadn't been taken."
Alana glared at Nathan, but didn't say anything.
She hated it when Nathan talked about Kyle like he was trash.
She hated it when everyone judged him before they got to know the true Kyle. Inside, and deep down, Kyle was a caring and loving person, and Alana still couldn't figure out why the others couldn't see that. They were so blind to the truth. So blind that it made her often sick with resentment and anger. None of them, not one, would have gone after him if she hadn't been so upset, and Alana knew it.
It was a bitter and hurtful truth, but she knew it.

Meitsuki sat in a chamber, her eyes closed. She could almost see everything that was happening, and was able to read Alanas thought. She smirked in the dark light of the cave, and thought; So very true...and that's why the Crest of Truth is a Dark Crest...because it's so filled with hurt and bitterness. As they say; "the truth hurts more then the lie."

Meitsuki let out a soft laugh, which steadily grew until it was a booming shout that echoed around the caves and passages of the caveren.
Kyle listened as the girl laughed. The laugh was so cold and sad. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like he was back in the past, back with Judi Nikajo. He felt an invisable shudder go down his spine, and the hairs on the back of his neck rose up, showing he was afraid.
What he was afraid of, he wasn't sure. But he knew it was something bad.