~The Voices...Scot McNeil ~

~*The Voices...*~

Look at that grin! * Scot McNeil *
This is the guy you're after, yes siree..
He's accused of having the best voice in any anime he's in. Plus! He plays Kouga! *aww*

~ Voice Roles ~


Piccolo and Gohan!

Dragon Ball Z

Anybody who’s anybody should know the husky voiced green alien-guy from Dragon Ball Z! Yes, Piccolo is the local Namekian on that show, and truth be told, I think of all his powers and aggressive nature- his voice is what draws the fans. Including myself. *grins*

Piccolo, far removed from the kind of character our Duo, is a whole different role for Scot to play this time. I mean heck, I cant picture him cracking a joke, all through out the series, Piccolo is either sounding threatening, or yelling till he’s green in the face for an attack to come out right.

I’ve got a feeling any anime fan started their obsession with anything Japanese with DBZ, so Piccolo, lucky green-guy, he’s well known


Ooh! The loud-mouthed prancing fighter from the Ginyu Force!

Dragon Ball Z

Ahh.. who could forget Jeice? Red skinned, and those beautiful white locks of hair.. ^-^;; Okay, okay! I'll admit, I liked his voice for the most part, all screeching and feisty. But wasn’t he the one that got your attention the most out of the five prancing buffoons in the Ginyu Force? With his rock star-like hair! *ahem*

Though, he finally met his match when he challenged the almighty Vegeta, thinking foolishly that our Saiyan prince was the same weakling they had come across previously.. how wrong was poor Jeice

Needless to say, Vegeta finished him off cleanly by blasting him to another dimension, where on King Kai’s little planet, him and the Ginyu Force spent their afterlife for a while!

Principle Kuno


Ranma ½

Principle Kuno, yes.. the kind of Principle we all hope for brudda! *sweatdrop* Heheh.. This guy, donning bright Hawaiian shirts, shorts and flipflops to boot… has a miniature palm tree growing out of the top of his head!

You might have guessed from his name (oh Ranma ½ fans) he is related to Tatewaki and Kodachi- he’s their father to be exact. After vanishing for 3 years to Hawaii, he has returned with a crazy set of rules (namely involving the guy’s haircuts) and is set on making Ranma’s life harder than it already is.

Principle Kuno, is truly a dude.


Oooh!! Fangirls, it’s Kouga! ^_^ Gotta love this guy!


*huge grin* Boy am I pleased I got to put up Kouga on this site somewhere! A true bishie, this guy is the one of the characters that Scot does, who I absolutely *adore*! (aside from Duo of course..). Now it’s not only his cutely looks, *points at Kouga’s picture*- isn’t he sweeet! Yes, hehe it’s not only his cutely looks that makes this guy appealing. Let me explain..

Kouga appears in the show/manga Inu-yasha by one of my favourite artists- Rumiko Taskahashi.*Raises her hands* Yes yes, Miroku is a hottie too, not to mention a pervert (makes him all the more likable! ^-^)- but Kouga.. he is the Prince of wolves (how’s that for a title!), and also the leader of his own tribe. He possesses three Shikon shards (collecting these shards is Inu-yasha’s main aim in the story) one in his right arm and two in his legs. Now, you might not know of the power these shards contain, but let me tell you one thing- Kouga sure is a swift runner because of them! Running like the wind would be an insult to this guy! *grins*

Now, being a tribesman and all… Kouga has to choose himself a suitable female, understandable, right? Except, this female happens to be the story’s lead girl, Kagome- and also Inu-yasha’s secret love interest (he’d probably never admit it though..). So, by making himself Kagome’s man (which she never agrees to- crazy girl! Why ever not?!) he triggers off Inu-yasha’s jealousy whenever he’s on the scene. It doesn’t help matters with all the name calling Kouga enjoys, Dogface? Why how…accurate! Inu-yasha has got ears, right? ^-^

In conclusion, I like Kouga, awesome character- any one who can stir up a little jealousy into Inu-yasha, without being sorry for it, I’m impressed by. And Scot Mcneil? Heck, they couldn’t have chosen a better guy for the job!

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