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06-05-05 Mention

Ok so on request here is a special mention to Alice Reedy. Don't ask me why that is on my site, ask her, That is all.

04-05-05 Link To Me!

On the gallery page, there is now one of those little pictures that you can use to link to my site. Please use it as you wish. But in order for you to use it I had to re-enable right clicking for that page. So i have actually now decied you can use my pictures if you wish, but all my pictures or graphics will, in one way or another, have either my little tag thing (doodles/doodleman) or my initials (JM). So unless your exactly like me, you probably wont want them.

3-05-05 More Problems

Ok so according to the dreamweaver "Browser Checks" or whatever, something dont work if you are veiwing my wonderful site in Netscape Navigator 6.0 or 7.0. So as I have no idea what it is that's gone wrong, those with netscape can't have the pleasure of viewing my site. Unlucky.

I re-vamped the "About Me" page because, well, it was pretty lame before. For those of you who never got to see it before, never you mind,

I have added a few pictures to the gallery page. Check them out.

2-05-05 Forum and other...

I have now made the forum but I haven't yet linked it to this site. I'm gonna finish it, then link it. I have also disable right clicking on my site so there will be no copying any of my pictures, text or - well, anything. HA!

1-05-05 2 peices of News, OOOOOOH...

1.Ok, after a few more screw ups, you know have all the pages on the site, but, all the pages are still under construction so there is quite a bit of content still to come. Please check back often.

2. If you notice any mistakes on the site and you're one of those perfectionist types, or you just have tips, pointers or even requests about the site, please email me at

30-04-05 The site is up

Finally the damn site is up and running. It has taken a while and is still under HEAVY construction, but at least you lucky people now have a home page.

PS. Sorry about all the ad's, but thats the price you have to pay for free hosting. Hey ho.