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Earn Quick Bucks During Leisure Time

Do you have a couple of minutes a day when you do absolutely nothing or procastinating on your work? Have you ever consider making some quick bucks during your leisure time? Well, here's your chance. Netbux allows you to earn quick cash for searching the net. You can to do 40 searches a day, 2 cents/search so that means 80 cents/day. 80 cents do not sound much but if you refer more people you would not believe how much you can earn. eg. No Referrals = $.80/day = $24/month 10 referrals = $.80 x 10/day = $8.00/day = $240/month 50 referrals = $8.00 x 5 = $48/day = $1440/month Yes, I've been paid: here to sign up: