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Home Mystic Jedi Knights Links Music ART

Hey all...well this is the site that is ONLY of The Medieval Mystic Jedi Knight Saga...We will have links to the art section of the Mystery Saga soon...

anyway the Medieval Mystic Jedi Knight Saga is basically what happened in a distant time before the events of Episode one...We are in a completely different land...computers are used less and less...mankind has split up...times went all the way back to medieval style buildings, weapons, etc.

Lord Chris disguises himself and soon reveals his true identity to his friends/squad durring their mission of protecting the runnaway princess, Princess Milerna...

This is the main cover for my comic/book serries of the Medieval Mystic Jedi Knight Saga...

Hey all...As I was reading over these fanfics again...I saw a ton of mistakes that I had previously made...

So everything is going to be the same except for a few errors, titles, and stuff that didn't seem apporpiate...

It will be in reconstruction process...In the mean time I will be making some comics of the stories for you to view while the real story is in reconstruction...May the force be with you...