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Reflection of a Spy

A small gallery of Episode Zero manga images as well as pics of anime characters that resemble Midii Une and portray how she might look in her later teens. If you have a picture of an anime character that resembles Midii please know that submissions for this section are very welcome ^_^ Click on the thumbnails to view the images.

Trowa's het and yaoi love interests
share an uncanny resemblance!

Chris Marly from GW's Blind Target
has to remind Trowa of a certain someone.
She even betrays Relena in similar fashion!

Mokuren from Please Save My Earth could be Midii's twin!

With some editing this Bubblegum Crisis character could be Midii!

Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War makes a cute elfin Midii!

Mireille Bouquet from Noir may be the perfect Midii.
She's a French assassin with a secret in her past!
Collage submitted by Lil' Green

Princess Emeraude from Magic Knight Rayearth and Midii
share a hairstyle and certain wistful expression.
Submitted by Lia Maxwell

Julia from Cowboy Bebop makes an excellent Midii
for fans who like the spy genre.
Submitted by Lil' Green

Melanie/Ten from Batman Beyond bears a striking resemblance to Midii both in her hair style and her tendency to give up love in favor of family commitments. Though somehwat of a villainess Melanie/Ten loves good guy Terry/Batman. It's also been pointed out that these star-crossed lovers initials (T/M) are yet another coincidental tie-in to Trowa and Midii. Melanie was submitted by Guardian Angel One, the screen capture is from Batman Beyond: The Tomorrow Knight

Lovely graphic depicting space travel seems to
show Midii searching the stars for the young mercenary boy
who saved her life a long time ago.
Submitted by Jenrissa

NEW!! Escaflowne's Princess Marlene makes a lovely Midii lookalike. Submitted by LSR_7

NEW!! Escaflowne's Princess Millerna, scanned by Kaliko Rose, shares Midii's looks and her tendency to love one man wholeheartedly.
Submitted by LSR_7


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