
I do not own Dragonball Z, Twinkies, McDonalds, or anything else that
could get me in trouble. I am in no way making any money off of this fic, and
yeah, you know the rest…and o yeah, I have a very, very twisted sense of
humor, so I apologize if anything catches u as weird, offbeat, or just plain
insane. I would appreciate any positive comments and criticism plz, yeah and
that's all. I don't like flames. So please don't send the…yeah like that'll
help, but o well, on to the fic!


We begin our story with the Z Warriors at a reunion at the Kame House.
Krillin is in the back watching reruns of The Brady Bunch and laughing his
butt off. Meanwhile Vegeta is sitting on the couch trying to do one of those
crossword games, and losing. He's making a lot of noise cussing out the
piece of paper. Yamcha is just sitting in the corner trying to make a paper
hat so that he can go play sailboat in the bathtub (poor sap). Goku is
nowhere to be found at the moment, he's probably raiding the refrigerator
again. Gohan and Dende are playing Pokemon Puzzle Game on the Nintendo 64 in
the other room and screaming their heads off because they just did something
great that no one really cares about. Goten and Chibi Trunks are playing hit
the other person across the head and have both proved to be quite successful
at it. Piccolo is meditating again over the television set (I'm surprised
that he can even concentrate with Krillen over there making enough noise to
start an earthquake). And among this mess, we also have Bulma who is busy
making something, oh well no one really cares anyway. Meanwhile, I am just
trying to regain my self-control after Chibi Trunks and Goten tried to
include me in their little game while I was studding for my finals.
Anyway, the main point to this story is what Trunks is up to at the
moment. He is at the computer and checking his email.
"GREAT KAMI! She wants to meet me! She really wants to meet me! I don't
believe it!"
Piccolo is snapped out of his meditation, falling on the TV causing
Krillin to start bawling because he can't watch his reruns.
"What are you talking about? Who wants to meet you? Who cares anyway? Why
am I even asking you this? That's it, I'm going to get an aspirin." Piccolo
stomps off towards the bathroom.
"It's DragonBabeZ! I met her on the Internet and we've talked a lot and
now she wants to meet me! Great Kami, what am I gonna wear? What am I going
to say? I wonder what she looks like, maybe…" Trunks goes on and on while we
all stare at him with our mouths hanging open.
Goku has appeared again, I wish he didn't know that stupid instant
transmission technique, last week he popped up in the bathroom where Vegeta
was. (No, no, no! Get your mid out of the gutter!) Vegeta was just refilling
the toilet paper. Anyway there was this huge battle right there because
Vegeta was mad at Goku for "surprising" him like that. They ended up blowing
up half of the Kame House and creating a tidal wave that destroyed the rest.
Anyway, we spent the next few days repairing it.
Back to the story, Goku is now jumping up and down with excitement,
corndog in hand, because he knows that something is happening and he wants to
be apart of it. So he starts yelling with crumbs flying out of his mouth,
"Wow! Wow! That's so cool! I can't believe it!"
Piccolo is getting pretty angry by now after having his meditation
interrupted. "Goku you idiot! You don't even know what is going on! Now just
By now I am getting pretty angry. "WILL ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP AND THEN
MAYBE WE CAN ACTUALLY FIGURE THINGS OUT!? Now Trunks, please just tell us
who this Dragon Person is and then we can all get back to what we were doing."
"Well, I don't exactly know who she is, I only know her over the
Internet. But she is a great person to talk to and from what she has told me
about herself, she sounds great. And she also lives just north of here in
Northburg City."
Bulma is now beaming with delight. "Oh Trunks! I'm so happy for you!
Meeting a girl like this that you really like and now you get to meet her! Oh
dear, it's so romantic."
"Oh shut up woman! The girl is probably some disfunctional, screwed up
little thing! Actually she might be just like you, Bulma."
"Why I oughta…"
This whole thing went on all night. And needless to say I got absolutely
no studying done.
The next day was crazy. Bulma had to go grocery shopping, and of course
Goku, Goten, and Chibi Trunks went with her. Piccolo had his daily visit
with his shrink and of course his to most loyal fans Gohan and Dende went
along too. Yamcha is going to the ice skating rink hoping to pick up some
"hot babes". The whole idea of meeting girls over the net has interested
Krillan a lot. Now he is glued to the computer screen. This of course leaves
me, Vegeta, and Trunks. Somehow, Trunks managed to talk me into going with
him to find the perfect gift for DragonBabeZ. Vegeta decided to come too.
There was no way he was going to stay all by himself with Krillan and his
stupid "cyber girlfriends".
Anyway, now we are at the flower shop where I suggested would be a good
place to get a gift. "Flowers are a great gift for a girl on the first date,
Vegeta of course thought otherwise. "Who would give someone flowers? I
think that you should get her some sort of dishwasher or washing machine.
Give her something useful. Flowers, jeez, what a stupid idea…"
"Good Kami, men are so thick-headed! No woman wants a dishwasher as a
gift! Anyway, do you know how much one of those things costs? Flowers are
less expensive and much more sophisticated."
"What do you know about sophistication? I am a prince! I was brought up
among nobles and kings! If anyone knows any thing about being sophisticated
it's me and I say get her a blasted washing machine!"
"Why you…wait a minute, where's Trunks?"
"Huh, um, I don't know."
"Well, he's your son! Where do you think he could have gone?"
"Probably to follow his great father's advice and buy a washing machine."
"Will you shut up about that stupid washing machine idea!?"
"Don't tell me to shut up! I ought to Big Bang you right now for that!"
"Let's just try to find Trunks ok?"
"Ok. Fine."
We start down the street and check through all the stores until we
finally find him in the candy store where he is buying a box of…wait a
minute…no way! He's buying a box of Twinkies! I charge into the store with
Vegeta close behind.
"Trunks, please don't tell me that is what you are getting for your date."
"Well what if it is?"
Meanwhile Vegeta is looking skeptically at the Twinkies. "Hey Trunks,
are you gonna need all those?"
"Um, no, not really. Why?"
"Good." Vegeta grabs a handful of Twinkies, runs out the door, and flies
"Trunks, no offence, but your dad has a few problems."
"Hey, wait a minute, those were MY TWINKIES!"
"Great Kami, what next?"
After Trunks bought his Twinkies (which I tried to talk him out of but
had no luck) we headed back to Kame House. When we got there, there was no
sign of Vegeta, although we did find a few Twinkie wrappers scattered on the
lawn. Krillan was still at the computer and Piccolo, Dende, and Gohan were
all back from the shrink. There was a message from Bulma and Goku saying
that Goku had gotten himself thrown in prison again for eating food out of
the grocery store and that they would be late. Chibi Trunks and Goten were
on their way home. Yamcha was still gone. Probably still out babe hunting.
Of course, I was left to help Trunks get ready for his date. Which was
probably a good thing since I doubted the others would be of much help.
"I don't know what to wear!"
"Well, where are you going?"
"We were going to eat dinner at McDonalds and then stop by the ice
skating rink and maybe skate a little bit."
"Great Kami. At least your taking her ice skating, I'm not sure about
McDonalds but I'm not even gonna try to talk you out of it."
"What's wrong with McDonalds? They offer quality food for low prices.
Plus you can get a free toy with every Happy Meal you buy."
"Stop watching so much TV. Good Kami, now I'm sounding like my mother.
Ok, so you are going ice-skating. Well, you will want to dress warm and
"What's casual?"
"Just wear what you usually wear"
"Well that's easy!"
"Yeah, I'm going to go lie down now."
Ten minutes later Trunks is back in the living room bugging me to help
him wrap up the Twinkies in wrapping paper because he can't figure out how
After 20 minutes of wrapping the Twinkies, it was finally time for Trunks
to go.
"Ok, now just be yourself and…Trunks! Take off your sword! You don't
want to scare here away."
"Fine, I thought that it made me look tough, but you're the expert."
"Thank you"
"Well I'm off!"
"Good luck, you're gonna need it."
After Trunks left for his date with DragonBabeZ, I found myself left in a
house of insanity. Piccolo was trying to teach Gohan, Dende, Goten, and
Chibi Trunks how to play poker. Bulma was yelling at him for teaching them
how to gamble and Vegeta was back again and trying to do another crossword
puzzle. Goku was back from jail and seeing how long he could stand on his
head while eating a bowl of mashed potatoes. Yamcha was still gone but no
one seems to notice or care. Krillan was asleep in front of the computer,
drooling on the keyboard. To make things worse Tien and Chotzu made a
surprise visit. They started to play Mario Kart on Nintendo in the other
room and began screaming and yelling at all the players that were beating
"Is there no end to this insanity!?"
No one hears me, so I decide to try to study again.
By 10:30 everyone got tired and started to go to sleep. Piccolo was
floating above the spot where the living room TV had once been, Vegeta was
asleep on the couch, Goku is still standing on his head, asleep, I think.
Chibi Trunks, Goten, Gohan, and Dende are all in one big puddle of drool on
the floor created by Krillan who is still asleep on the keyboard. Bulma has
made herself a bed of blankets and pillows in a corner. Yamcha is finally
back and is asleep under the coffee table. Tien and Chotzu are still playing
Mario Kart, and losing.
At that moment Trunks returns.
"Hey Trunks, so how was the big date?"
"Huh, oh the date. It was great. First we went to McDonalds and I got a
Big Mac but she said that she wasn't hungry. Then we went ice-skating and we
did this great dance thing together! You should have seen us! We were
spinning and flying and it was all great, but then she slipped and landed on
some thin ice and fell into the pound."
"Oh my Kami! Is she ok?"
"Oh yeah she got out fine and then said that she had to go and that she
would call me in about 5 leap years. Man, she is one great girl."
"Trunks, don't take this the wrong way, but I think that she dumped you."
"Huh? What makes you say that? She said that she would call me and
"Yeah in 20 years, Trunks I think that you should stick to meeting girls
in person and not on the Internet because frankly, with someone of your IQ
you need to make sure that the girl really likes you first."
"Huh? Why should I make sure if a she likes me?"
"Trunks, just go to sleep or something, please."
"Yeah, DragonBabeZ is quite the girl. Man, when I pulled her out of the
water at the rink and she started yelling and cursing at me, I knew it was
"Great Kami, I'm going to bed now Trunks. Do me a favor and don't wake me
up until next Saturday, ok?"
"Ok, sure"
"What is the world coming to?"
All of the sudden Goku jumps up. "What? Who? Who wants to destroy the
At that comment all the Z Warriors wake up and all start talking and
yelling at once.
"I'm leaving now."
They were up all night deciding on tactic plans and the best way to
destroy whatever enemy it might be. By the end of the night they had
narrowed the villains down to Frieza and Cell and decided that they would
torture Gohan and Chibi Trunks until they went SSJ2.
Anyway, everyone lived happily, and annoyingly, ever after.